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Re: Category-based app browsing, was Re: Some impressions about the current status of Unity


On 02/25/2012 10:03 PM, Jo-Erlend Schinstad wrote:
Each added step reduces the likelihood that a user becomes aware and
sure of the functionality and completes the task. Setting a "Filter"
does not fit well into a browsing approach.

Can you explain what? Is it the name "filter" you react to, or selecting
categories? Because you do that in Gnome menubar as well, when you
select Applications > Internet for instance.
Yes, there's similarity in that you select Categories, be it as filter 
or menu. You already mentioned one of the differences, but let me try to 
make a complete list.
What is different with using Filters in the Dash from using a menu with 
sub-menus per category?
- Initially, there is no category selected
- Initially, categories are invisible
- Category selection is not exclusive, but additive (though not in 11.10)
- Category selection happens in a dedicated area, there is no similarity in the representation of categories and items
All of this works against perceiving and using categories as part of a 
browsing strategy. Conceptually, the filters are an addition to the 
Search approach.

If you don't know what you're looking for, then you should use the Ubuntu
Software Center.
For finding and starting an application, the Software Center is not well 
suited. It's startup time makes it seem ridiculous, when compared to the 
application menu we had.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

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