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Re: kicad StepUp update and STEP repository of parametric models


Hi Marcos,

I think is related to the problems you have in fusion objects with colors ...
it could be a setting in FreeCAD but I have to investigate better...

I attached the parameter-generated QFP100 3D STEP/VRML model placed on a parameter-generated footprint (from qfp_wizard.py)
As you can see there are all colors ...

Here there are the models files that should be showed with colors

Could you please post me the way in which you have built FC from source?
(like the command line history)


On 24/08/2015 14.21, Marcos Chaparro wrote:
Hi Maurice,
it works now.

Should the models have the correct colors?

See attached what I see:


On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 6:41 AM, easyw <easyw@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Marcos,

I had a prob in syncing github files...
now they should be synchronized.

You need also to download the latest version of CadQuery Module

Just delete the old CadQuery Mod in FreeCAD and use the new one.
(CadQuery 0.1.8 has been recently updated to fully support these new

I just tried and it seems fine now.

thank you again for your feedback.


On 24/08/2015 01.26, Marcos Chaparro wrote:

VRML scaling works great using
freecad your_part.step  kicad_StepUp_vrml_export.FCMacro

The parametric generator gives me the following error:

FC Version
['0', '15', 'Unknown', 'Unknown', 'Unknown']FC Version 015
FC Version
['0', '15', 'Unknown', 'Unknown', 'Unknown']FC Version 015
CadQuery 0.1.8
CadQuery is a parametric scripting language for creating and traversing
CAD models
Author: David Cowden
License: LGPL
Website: https://github.com/dcowden/cadquery




Ex000 Closed
Dock adjusted
Exception while processing file: make_gw_export_fc.py [__new__() takes
exactly 25 arguments (24 given)]
File format not supported: SOIC_8

It was called from the command line with FreeCAD make_gw_export_fc.py


On Sun, Aug 23, 2015 at 4:09 PM, easyw <easyw@xxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:easyw@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

     Hi Marcos,
     thank you for the feedback.
     The screenshot is very nice!

     1) For fusion object, it is strange, I don't have prob in conserving
     colors neither in FC015, nor in FC016 both in win and linux...
     but I'm on ubuntu and I used the ubu repos

     2) To scale a part there is already a small macro in the demo project;
     the file name is kicad_StepUp_vrml_export.FCMacro
     and there is also a bash file

     The script has to be cleaned up a bit...
     anyway it works... NB after exporting the VRML file, do not save the
     FC STEP file or you'll get it scaled too :)

     3) I'm going to complete a new macro named 'move_rotate_scale'
     (which is not included at the moment), so it would be easier to
     manage manufacturer models to align and generate vrml scaled models.
     When it si ready I will let you know

     4) Please also have a look at:

     there are script to generate parametric STEP and scaled VRML for
     SOIC, DIP, QFP, Resistor chips and Capacitor chips
     there are some configuration files in which you only need to add
     dimensions as in the datasheet, then the model 3D will be generated.
     There a re also some already generated examples at:





     and a mini starter guide

     I've added a colored pinmark and some more models.

     Could you please give me a feedback also on those scripts/models.

     On 23/08/2015 17.14, Marcos Chaparro wrote:

         Hi Maurice,
         the issues were related to using freecad 0.16 and non compatible
         DXF files
         (Freecad 0.15 and 0.16 produced an incompatible dxf file that
         was fixed
         re-exporting it using librecad in R14 format, later you told me
         that R12 is
         better but I didn't try.

         The final woraround for fusing parts and maintaing the color
         correctly was
         to make the top level fused part 100% transparent It seems that
         when I
         export the fused part freecad exports all the parts inside the
         fusion too,
         and the object surfaces have all 2 faces, one from the fused and
         one from
         the original, and the colors get messed up. Forcing the fused part
         transparent it still exports duplicated faces but since one is
         it doesn't bother me. Maybe it a dependency issue when compiling
         FC15 and
         this doesn't happen in a stable FC installation.

         BTW, now it is *much* easier to import 3D parts from the
         manufacturers 3D

         I'll share the footprints when I get some free time, have to
         organize them
         and make a repo for it. Oh and I have to learn to scale the parts
         1/2.54. How do you scale them? it seems MCAD don't like to just
         shrink a
         There is an Draft.scale() function call in your script, does it
         work with
         raw STEP files?



         On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 5:26 PM, easyw <easyw@xxxxxxxxxxxx
         <mailto:easyw@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

Attachment: qfp100-parameter-generated-3d.png
Description: PNG image

Follow ups
