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Re: Libedit and Modedit Icons


On 09/01/18 16:50, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:
I'm with Jose on the arrows.  If we are going to use them, please don't
make the all different colors.  I don't see how a blue left arrow versus
a magenta right arrow conveys any meaning to the user.

I like the idea of coloring them differently. For me this will give an additional way to distinguish the buttons. (Some of them have only the direction of the arrow as a difference. Which is easily overlooked.) I hope having different colors will make it easier for my brain to remember which button does what. (I can't tell you how often i clicked load symbol instead of update symbol while working on the reorganization of the official lib.)

Maybe there is a better way to communicate differences but if buttons look as similar as a lot of them currently do, adding differentiating colors might help.

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