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Messages by thread
Messages sent to the sikuli-driver mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 59569 messages, page
| 12 |
Re: [Question #697643]: Tesseract library problems
Re: [Question #697643]: Tesseract library problems
From: Roger F Borrello Jr, 2021-06-22
Re: [Question #697643]: Tesseract library problems
From: Roger F Borrello Jr, 2021-06-22
Re: [Question #697643]: Tesseract library problems
From: RaiMan, 2021-06-23
[Question #697643]: Tesseract library problems
From: Roger F Borrello Jr, 2021-06-21
Re: [Question #697621]: Need to check how to use sikuli with Selenium in Docker
From: RaiMan, 2021-06-19
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #697621]: Need to check how to use sikuli with Selenium in Docker
From: Milind Warade, 2021-06-19
[Question #697621]: Need to check how to use sikuli with Selenium in Docker
From: Milind Warade, 2021-06-19
Re: [Question #697558]: SikuliX API - headless error on macOS Big Sur (system M1)
From: RaiMan, 2021-06-16
Re: [Question #697558]: SikuliX API - headless error on MacOS Big Sur
From: Jeff Harmon, 2021-06-16
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #697558]: SikuliX API - headless error on MacOS Big Sur
From: Jeff Harmon, 2021-06-16
Re: [Question #697558]: SikuliX API - headless error on MacOS Big Sur
From: Jeff Harmon, 2021-06-16
[Question #697558]: SikuliX API - headless error on MacOS Big Sur
From: Jeff Harmon, 2021-06-16
Re: [Question #697555]: Connecting to a DB in Sikuli- is there a widely used method for Sikuli 2.0.5?
From: mpayne, 2021-06-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #697555]: Connecting to a DB in Sikuli- is there a widely used method for Sikuli 2.0.5?
From: mpayne, 2021-06-18
[Question #697555]: Connecting to a DB in Sikuli- is there a widely used method for Sikuli 2.0.5?
From: mpayne, 2021-06-15
[Bug 1931699] [NEW] [2.0.5} IDE: Help menu: Ask Question and Report Bug gives a capture of null/null/null
From: RaiMan, 2021-06-11
[Bug 1931699] Re: [2.0.5] IDE: Help menu: Ask Question and Report Bug gives a capture of null/null/null
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-29
[Bug 1931699] Re: [2.0.5] IDE: Help menu: Ask Question and Report Bug gives a capture of null/null/null
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-29
[Bug 1931699] Re: [2.0.5] IDE: Help menu: Ask Question and Report Bug gives a capture of null/null/null
From: RaiMan, 2022-01-16
Re: [Question #697493]: Why is forum silent?-raiman???
From: RaiMan, 2021-06-11
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #697493]: Why is forum silent?-raiman???
From: Chetan, 2021-06-11
Re: [Question #697493]: Why is forum silent?-raiman???
From: RaiMan, 2021-06-11
[Question #697493]: Why is forum silent?-raiman???
From: Chetan, 2021-06-11
Re: [Question #697310]: Application will be suspend when run the some time on windows10
From: Larry, 2021-06-09
Re: [Question #697378]: Output of Sikulix IDE on console
From: masuo, 2021-06-03
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #697378]: Output of Sikulix IDE on console
From: RaiMan, 2021-06-04
Re: [Question #697378]: Output of Sikulix IDE on console
From: Guillermo, 2021-06-04
Re: [Question #697378]: Output of Sikulix IDE on console
From: RaiMan, 2021-06-04
[Question #697378]: Output of Sikulix IDE on console
From: Guillermo, 2021-06-03
[Bug 1930650] [NEW] IDE:Matching Preview does not work when file path has blank / spaces
From: Chetan, 2021-06-03
[Bug 1930650] Re: IDE:Matching Preview does not work when file path has blank / spaces
From: Chetan, 2021-08-11
[Bug 1930650] Re: IDE:Matching Preview does not work when file path has blank / spaces
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-11
[Bug 1930650] Re: IDE:Matching Preview does not work when file path has blank / spaces
From: RaiMan, 2021-10-14
Re: [Question #697339]: Sikuli 2.0.5 - runScript('powershell get-process') return error
From: masuo, 2021-06-01
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #697339]: Sikuli 2.0.5 - runScript('powershell get-process') return error
From: RaiMan, 2021-06-01
Re: [Question #697339]: Sikuli 2.0.5 - runScript('powershell get-process') return error
From: RaiMan, 2021-06-01
Re: [Question #697339]: Sikuli 2.0.5 - runScript('powershell get-process') return error
From: TestMechanic, 2021-06-01
Re: [Question #697339]: Sikuli 2.0.5 - runScript('powershell get-process') return error
From: RaiMan, 2021-06-02
Re: [Question #697339]: Sikuli 2.0.5 - runScript('powershell get-process') return error
From: Delao Mett, 2021-06-03
[Question #697339]: Sikuli 2.0.5 - runScript('powershell get-process') return error
From: TestMechanic, 2021-06-01
Re: [Question #697312]: Sikuli : String in Location
From: masuo, 2021-05-30
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #697312]: Sikuli : String in Location
From: charliedaps, 2021-05-31
Re: [Question #697312]: Sikuli : String in Location
From: charliedaps, 2021-05-31
[Question #697312]: Sikuli : String in Location
From: charliedaps, 2021-05-30
[Question #697310]: Application will be suspend when run the some time on windows10
From: Larry, 2021-05-30
Re: [Question #697271]: Release file created with the setLogFile() function
From: RaiMan, 2021-05-27
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #697271]: Release file created with the setLogFile() function
From: CDT, 2021-05-27
Re: [Question #697271]: Release file created with the setLogFile() function
From: TestMechanic, 2021-06-01
Re: [Question #697263]: random function definition error
From: RaiMan, 2021-05-27
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #697263]: random function definition error
From: martin matias garcia, 2021-05-27
[Question #697271]: Release file created with the setLogFile() function
From: CDT, 2021-05-27
[Question #697263]: random function definition error
From: martin matias garcia, 2021-05-26
Re: [Question #697208]: I need to show a permanent "log" windows on top
From: masuo, 2021-05-23
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #697208]: I need to show a permanent "log" windows on top
From: juan, 2021-05-23
Re: [Question #697208]: I need to show a permanent "log" windows on top
From: Ben Dix, 2021-05-25
Re: [Question #697208]: I need to show a permanent "log" windows on top
From: RaiMan, 2021-05-25
Re: [Question #697208]: I need to show a permanent "log" windows on top
From: juan, 2021-05-25
Re: [Question #697208]: I need to show a permanent "log" windows on top
From: TestMechanic, 2021-06-01
[Question #697208]: I need to show a permanent "log" windows on top
From: juan, 2021-05-23
Re: [Question #696960]: region text not working properly or may be some bug
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2021-05-23
Re: [Question #697135]: Sikulix On Raspberry Pi ubuntu 21.04
From: RaiMan, 2021-05-21
Re: [Question #697175]: passing string to shell using runscript
From: Ben Dix, 2021-05-21
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #697175]: passing string to shell using runscript
From: Manfred Hampl, 2021-05-21
Re: [Question #697175]: passing string to shell using runscript
From: RaiMan, 2021-05-21
Re: [Question #697175]: passing string to shell using runscript
From: Ben Dix, 2021-05-21
[Question #697175]: passing string to shell using unscript
From: Ben Dix, 2021-05-21
Re: [Question #697147]: Error connecting SikuliX 2.0.5 to sqlserver using zxJDBC
From: Kyle Winmill, 2021-05-19
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #697147]: Error connecting SikuliX 2.0.5 to sqlserver using zxJDBC
From: Kyle Winmill, 2021-05-19
Re: [Question #697147]: Error connecting SikuliX 2.0.5 to sqlserver using zxJDBC
From: RaiMan, 2021-05-21
Re: [Question #697147]: Error connecting SikuliX 2.0.5 to sqlserver using zxJDBC
From: Kyle Winmill, 2021-06-18
[Question #697147]: Error connecting SikuliX 2.0.5 to sqlserver using zxJDBC
From: Kyle Winmill, 2021-05-19
[Question #697135]: Sikulix On Raspberry Pi ubuntu 21.04
From: Dhugald Spry, 2021-05-18
Re: [Question #696951]: unable to find a text in some screens
From: Chetan, 2021-05-18
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #696951]: unable to find a text in some screens
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2021-06-03
Re: [Question #697018]: The same test passed on one machine but failed another’s
From: Chetan, 2021-05-18
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #697018]: The same test passed on one machine but failed another’s
From: Javahir, 2021-05-18
Re: [Question #697117]: store captured image as variable into a py file
From: Ben Dix, 2021-05-18
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #697117]: store captured image as variable into a py file
From: RaiMan, 2021-05-18
Re: [Question #697117]: store captured image as variable into a py file
From: Ben Dix, 2021-05-18
[Question #697117]: store captured image as variable into a py file
From: Ben Dix, 2021-05-18
[Bug 1928745] [NEW] [error] Error caused by: Traceback (most recent call last):
From: Jeff_Vallis, 2021-05-18
[Bug 1928745] Re: [error] Error caused by: Traceback (most recent call last):
From: Chetan, 2021-06-11
[Bug 1928745] Re: [error] Error caused by: Traceback (most recent call last):
From: RaiMan, 2021-06-11
[Bug 1928745] Re: [error] Error caused by: Traceback (most recent call last):
From: RaiMan, 2021-06-11
[Bug 1928745] Re: [error] Error caused by: Traceback (most recent call last):
From: reda benslal, 2021-09-14
[Bug 1928745] Re: [error] Error caused by: Traceback (most recent call last):
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-28
Re: [Question #697099]: High Cpu load by starting and stopping observer in while()
From: RaiMan, 2021-05-17
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #697099]: High Cpu load by starting and stopping observer in while()
From: Jerry Arya A, 2021-05-18
Re: [Question #697099]: High Cpu load by starting and stopping observer in while()
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2021-06-02
Re: [Question #697102]: Having issues running test on different machines
From: RaiMan, 2021-05-17
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #697102]: Having issues running test on different machines
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2021-06-02
[Question #697102]: Having issues running test on different machines
From: Ali Ahmed, 2021-05-17
[Question #697099]: High Cpu load by starting and stopping observer in while()
From: Jerry Arya A, 2021-05-17
Re: [Question #697041]: Run error - [error] AttributeError ( 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getX' )
From: Manfred Hampl, 2021-05-13
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #697041]: Run error - [error] AttributeError ( 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getX' )
From: Dev S, 2021-05-13
Re: [Question #697041]: Run error - [error] AttributeError ( 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getX' )
From: Dev S, 2021-05-13
Re: [Question #697041]: Run error - [error] AttributeError ( 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getX' )
From: Manfred Hampl, 2021-05-13
[Question #697041]: Run error - [error] AttributeError ( 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getX' )
From: Dev S, 2021-05-13
[Question #697018]: The same test passed on one machine but failed another’s
From: Javahir, 2021-05-12
Re: [Question #696736]: Key.SPACE don't seem to work in the application
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2021-05-10
Re: [Question #696719]: running a sikuli script from host to interact with Virtual machine fails after first click
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2021-05-09
[Question #696960]: region text not working properly or may be some bug
From: BIPIN, 2021-05-07
[Bug 1927536] [NEW] Screenshot function / Windows Resolution Scaling
From: Jeremy Bost, 2021-05-06
[Bug 1927536] Re: Screenshot function / Windows Resolution Scaling
From: Jeremy Bost, 2021-05-06
[Bug 1927536] Re: Screenshot function / Windows Resolution Scaling
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-29
[Question #696951]: unable to find a text in some screens
From: Karthika Natarajan, 2021-05-06
Re: [Question #696946]: Right click + Shift
From: Manfred Hampl, 2021-05-06
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #696946]: Right click + Shift
From: DH, 2021-05-06
Re: [Question #696946]: Right click + Shift
From: masuo, 2021-05-06
Re: [Question #696946]: Right click + Shift
From: DH, 2021-05-06
Re: [Question #696946]: Right click + Shift
From: Manfred Hampl, 2021-05-06
[Question #696946]: Right click + Shift
From: DH, 2021-05-06
Re: [Question #696931]: Capture a popup click image
From: masuo, 2021-05-05
[Question #696931]: Capture a popup click image
From: Robert, 2021-05-05
Re: [Question #696914]: Errors while I'm trying to display the GUI of sikulix inside docker container
From: Marietto, 2021-05-04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #696914]: Errors while I'm trying to display the GUI of sikulix inside docker container
From: Marietto, 2021-05-04
Re: [Question #696914]: Errors while I'm trying to display the GUI of sikulix inside docker container
From: Marietto, 2021-05-04
Re: [Question #696914]: Errors while I'm trying to display the GUI of sikulix inside docker container
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2021-05-20
Re: [Question #696914]: Errors while I'm trying to display the GUI of sikulix inside docker container
From: Marietto, 2021-05-20
[Question #696914]: Errors while I'm trying to display the GUI of sikulix inside docker container
From: Marietto, 2021-05-04
Re: [Question #696901]: When I run SikuliX IDE SikuliX starts but gets stuck with this pop up on screen: "SikuliX-IDE 2.0.4 is starting on Java 11".
From: Javahir, 2021-05-04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #696901]: When I run SikuliX IDE SikuliX starts but gets stuck with this pop up on screen: "SikuliX-IDE 2.0.4 is starting on Java 11".
From: RaiMan, 2021-05-04
[Question #696901]: When I run SikuliX IDE SikuliX starts but gets stuck with this pop up on screen: "SikuliX-IDE 2.0.4 is starting on Java 11".
From: Javahir, 2021-05-04
[Question #696891]: Sikuli not Running on MAcOS Catalina 10.15.3
From: Vitor Faeda Dalto, 2021-05-03
Re: [Question #696891]: Sikuli not Running on MAcOS Catalina 10.15.3
From: Vitor Faeda Dalto, 2021-05-03
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #696891]: Sikuli not Running on MAcOS Catalina 10.15.3
From: RaiMan, 2021-05-03
Re: [Question #696816]: Scroll until
From: Manfred Hampl, 2021-04-29
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #696816]: Scroll until
From: DH, 2021-04-29
Re: [Question #696816]: Scroll until
From: masuo, 2021-05-03
Re: [Question #696816]: Scroll until
From: DH, 2021-05-04
[Question #696816]: Scroll until
From: DH, 2021-04-29
Re: [Question #696812]: [2.0.5] Windows: OCR Change of behaviour
From: Sergio López Sánchez, 2021-04-29
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #696812]: [2.0.5] Windows: OCR Change of behaviour
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2021-05-14
[Question #696812]: [2.0.5] Windows: OCR Change of behaviour
From: Sergio López Sánchez, 2021-04-29
Re: [Question #696762]: Robot Framework Sikuli library is not working on Windows Server 2008 R2
From: RaiMan, 2021-04-26
[Question #696762]: Robot Framework Sikuli library is not working on Windows Server 2008 R2
From: nagaraju, 2021-04-26
[Question #696736]: Key.SPACE don't seem to work in the application
From: juan, 2021-04-24
Re: [Question #696607]: CentOS 7 issue for Sikulix 2.x+
From: Shibly Sadeque, 2021-04-24
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #696607]: CentOS 7 issue for Sikulix 2.x+
From: Shibly Sadeque, 2021-04-24
Re: [Question #696607]: CentOS 7 issue for Sikulix 2.x+
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2021-05-09
Re: [Question #696607]: CentOS 7 issue for Sikulix 2.0.4 and 2.0.5
From: Shibly Sadeque, 2021-04-24
Re: [Question #696723]: Exception in thread "Thread-45" (SX 2.05 on Java 8)
From: Mike Praeuner, 2021-04-23
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #696723]: Exception in thread "Thread-45" (SX 2.05 on Java 8)
From: Mike Praeuner, 2021-04-23
Re: [Question #696723]: Exception in thread "Thread-45" (SX 2.05 on Java 8)
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2021-05-09
[Question #696723]: Exception in thread "Thread-45" (SX 2.05 on Java 8)
From: Mike Praeuner, 2021-04-23
[Question #696719]: running a sikuli script from host to interact with Virtual machine fails after first click
From: reda benslal, 2021-04-23
Re: [Question #696693]: I am hitting sporadic problems with findText in v2.0.5
From: RaiMan, 2021-04-22
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #696693]: I am hitting sporadic problems with findText in v2.0.5
From: TestMechanic, 2021-04-22
[Question #696693]: I am hitting sporadic problems with findText in v2.0.5
From: TestMechanic, 2021-04-22
Re: [Question #696667]: Minimal VM
From: RaiMan, 2021-04-22
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #696667]: Minimal VM
From: TestMechanic, 2021-04-22
Re: [Question #696667]: Minimal VM
From: john novak, 2021-04-23
Re: [Question #696667]: Minimal VM
From: TestMechanic, 2021-06-01
[Question #696667]: Minimal VM
From: john novak, 2021-04-21
[Question #696607]: CentOS 7 issue for Sikulix 2.0.4 and 2.0.5
From: Shibly Sadeque, 2021-04-16
Re: [Question #696579]: override method sleep
From: RaiMan, 2021-04-16
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #696579]: override method sleep
From: Chetan, 2021-04-16
Re: [Question #696482]: running a sikuli runnable jar on remote VM without VNC
From: tom latham, 2021-04-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #696482]: running a sikuli runnable jar on remote VM without VNC
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2021-04-25
[Question #696579]: override method sleep
From: Chetan, 2021-04-15
Re: [Question #696545]: Resolution issue in sikuli - case developed in resolution (1366*768 - recommended laptop) is not working in 1920*1080 - recommended laptop when changed to 1366*768)
From: Chetan, 2021-04-13
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #696545]: Resolution issue in sikuli - case developed in resolution (1366*768 - recommended laptop) is not working in 1920*1080 - recommended laptop when changed to 1366*768)
From: Sushanth, 2021-04-21
Re: [Question #696545]: Resolution issue in sikuli - case developed in resolution (1366*768 - recommended laptop) is not working in 1920*1080 - recommended laptop when changed to 1366*768)
From: RaiMan, 2021-04-22
[Question #696545]: Resolution issue in sikuli - case developed in resolution (1366*768 - recommended laptop) is not working in 1920*1080 - recommended laptop when changed to 1366*768)
From: Sushanth, 2021-04-13
Re: [Question #696483]: 'No appenders could be found. Please initialise the log4j system properly' error when trying to execute the same working scripts from one VM to another
From: RaiMan, 2021-04-10
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #696483]: 'No appenders could be found. Please initialise the log4j system properly' error when trying to execute the same working scripts from one VM to another
From: Ishtiaq Qureshi, 2021-04-11
Re: [Question #696483]: 'No appenders could be found. Please initialise the log4j system properly' error when trying to execute the same working scripts from one VM to another
From: Ishtiaq Qureshi, 2021-04-12
Re: [Question #696483]: 'No appenders could be found. Please initialise the log4j system properly' error when trying to execute the same working scripts from one VM to another
From: Manfred Hampl, 2021-04-12
Re: [Question #696483]: 'No appenders could be found. Please initialise the log4j system properly' error when trying to execute the same working scripts from one VM to another
From: Ishtiaq Qureshi, 2021-04-12
Re: [Question #696483]: 'No appenders could be found. Please initialise the log4j system properly' error when trying to execute the same working scripts from one VM to another
From: Ishtiaq Qureshi, 2021-04-14
Re: [Question #696483]: 'No appenders could be found. Please initialise the log4j system properly' error when trying to execute the same working scripts from one VM to another
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2021-04-29
[Question #696483]: 'No appenders could be found. Please initialise the log4j system properly' error when trying to execute the same working scripts from one VM to another
From: Ishtiaq Qureshi, 2021-04-09
[Question #696482]: running a sikuli runnable jar on remote VM without VNC
From: Nisheeth, 2021-04-09
[Bug 1922914] [NEW] [IDE} color of method waitBestList is different an in black; excepted blue similar to findBest
From: Chetan, 2021-04-07
[Bug 1922914] Re: [IDE} color of method waitBestList is different an in black; excepted blue similar to findBest
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-29
[Bug 1922914] Re: [2.0.5] IDE: update function name colouring
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
[Bug 1922785] [NEW] Sikuli hangs when using WaitBestList but works with FindBestList- need workaround
From: Chetan, 2021-04-06
[Bug 1922785] Re: Sikuli hangs when using WaitBestList but works with FindBestList- need workaround
From: Chetan, 2021-04-06
[Bug 1922785] Re: Sikuli hangs when using WaitBestList but works with FindBestList- need workaround
From: Chetan, 2021-04-06
[Bug 1922785] Re: Sikuli hangs when using WaitBestList but works with FindBestList- need workaround
From: Chetan, 2021-05-05
[Bug 1922785] Re: Sikuli hangs when using WaitBestList but works with FindBestList- need workaround
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
[Bug 1922793] [NEW] Null pointer exception on using WaitBest
From: Chetan, 2021-04-06
[Bug 1922793] Re: Null pointer exception on using WaitBest
From: Chetan, 2021-05-05
[Bug 1922793] Re: Null pointer exception on using WaitBest
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-29
Re: [Question #696411]: waitBest returning Null pointer exception
From: Chetan, 2021-04-06
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #696411]: waitBest returning Null pointer exception
From: Chetan, 2021-04-06
Re: [Question #696411]: waitBest returning Null pointer exception
From: Chetan, 2021-04-06
Re: [Question #696411]: waitBest returning Null pointer exception
From: Manfred Hampl, 2021-04-06
[Question #696411]: waitBest returning Null pointer exception
From: Chetan, 2021-04-06
Re: [Question #696392]: importing images from two differs locations
From: RaiMan, 2021-04-06
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #696392]: importing images from two differs locations
From: Piyush Mankare, 2021-04-06
Re: [Question #696392]: importing images from two differs locations
From: Ellen Day, 2021-04-20
Re: [Question #696392]: importing images from two differs locations
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2021-04-21
[Question #696392]: importing images from two differs locations
From: Piyush Mankare, 2021-04-05
Re: [Question #696257]: [2.0.5] macOS: IDE: not really usable with Java 8 since macOS 11.2.3 --- using Java 11 works
From: RaiMan, 2021-04-03
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #696257]: [2.0.5] macOS: IDE: not really usable with Java 8 since macOS 11.2.3 --- using Java 11 works
From: RaiMan, 2021-04-03
Re: [Question #696257]: [2.0.5] macOS: IDE: not really usable with Java 8 since macOS 11.2.3 --- using Java 11 works
From: Jeff_Vallis, 2021-04-09
Re: [Question #696257]: [2.0.5] macOS: IDE: not really usable with Java 8 since macOS 11.2.3 --- using Java 11 works
From: Jeff_Vallis, 2021-04-22
Re: [Question #696257]: [2.0.5] macOS: IDE: not really usable with Java 8 since macOS 11.2.3 --- using Java 11 works
From: RaiMan, 2021-04-22
Re: [Question #696128]: Mouse: not useable (blocked) in remote machine
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2021-04-03
200 of 59569 messages, page
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