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Messages sent to the sikuli-driver mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 59569 messages, page
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Re: [Question #247090]: Are there existing tests for Sikuli itself?
Re: [Question #247090]: Are there existing tests for Sikuli itself?
From: Tay Code, 2014-04-17
[Question #247114]: Change source of screen captures?
From: James Connolly, 2014-04-17
Re: [Question #247107]: version of OpenCV for linux: 2.2+ or 2.4?
From: J Martinez, 2014-04-17
[Question #247107]: version of OpenCV for linux: 2.2+ or 2.4?
From: J Martinez, 2014-04-16
Re: [Question #247086]: Text Recognition and then addition
From: aareth, 2014-04-16
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #247086]: Text Recognition and then addition
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-17
Re: [Question #247086]: Text Recognition and then addition
From: aareth, 2014-04-17
Re: [Question #247086]: Text Recognition and then addition
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-17
Re: [Question #247086]: Text Recognition and then addition
From: aareth, 2014-04-17
[Question #247090]: Are there existing tests for Sikuli itself?
From: Tay Code, 2014-04-16
[Question #247086]: Text Recognition and then addition
From: aareth, 2014-04-16
Re: [Question #247068]: Sikuli is launching but none of it's commands working
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-16
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #247068]: Sikuli is launching but none of it's commands working
From: Rachna, 2014-04-16
Re: [Question #247068]: Sikuli is launching but none of it's commands working
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-16
[Question #247068]: Sikuli is launching but none of it's commands working
From: Rachna, 2014-04-16
Re: [Question #247044]: how to get the last element of findAll
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #247044]: how to get the last element of findAll
From: bilel, 2014-04-15
Re: [Question #247044]: how to get the last element of findAll
From: bilel, 2014-04-16
Re: [Question #247044]: how to get the last element of findAll
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-16
Re: [Question #247044]: how to get the last element of findAll
From: bilel, 2014-04-16
[Question #247044]: how to get the last element of findAll
From: bilel, 2014-04-15
Re: [Question #247041]: How to [Ctrl+R] automatically sikuli script (.py / .skl)
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #247041]: How to [Ctrl+R] automatically sikuli script (.py / .skl)
From: cybermocca, 2014-04-15
Re: [Question #247041]: How to [Ctrl+R] automatically sikuli script (.py / .skl)
From: cybermocca, 2014-04-15
[Question #247041]: How to [Ctrl+R] automatically sikuli script (.py / .skl)
From: cybermocca, 2014-04-15
Re: [Question #247038]: App.open to run .exe file with environment variable
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #247038]: App.open to run .exe file with environment variable
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-15
Re: [Question #247038]: App.open to run .exe file with environment variable
From: cat123, 2014-04-15
[Question #247038]: App.open to run .exe file with environment variable
From: cat123, 2014-04-15
Re: [Question #247029]: While loop in combination with a blank row in Excel
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-15
[Question #247029]: While loop in combination with a blank row in Excel
From: Lina, 2014-04-15
Re: [Question #246919]: dragDrop() + KeyModifier issue?
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-13
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #246919]: dragDrop() + KeyModifier issue?
From: alceal, 2014-04-13
Re: [Question #246919]: dragDrop() + KeyModifier issue?
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-13
Re: [Question #246919]: dragDrop() + KeyModifier issue?
From: alceal, 2014-04-13
Re: [Question #246919]: dragDrop() + KeyModifier issue?
From: Alex Lunyov, 2016-06-02
Re: [Question #246919]: dragDrop() + KeyModifier issue?
From: Alex Lunyov, 2016-06-02
Re: [Question #246927]: problem when loading visionproxy.dll
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-13
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #246927]: problem when loading visionproxy.dll
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-13
Re: [Question #246927]: problem when loading visionproxy.dll
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2014-04-28
[Question #246927]: problem when loading visionproxy.dll
From: jon, 2014-04-12
[Question #246919]: dragDrop() + KeyModifier issue?
From: alceal, 2014-04-12
Re: [Question #246912]: if exists IMG click IMG gives FindFailed error
From: shatterah, 2014-04-12
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #246912]: if exists IMG click IMG gives FindFailed error
From: shatterah, 2014-04-12
Re: [Question #246912]: if exists IMG click IMG gives FindFailed error
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-13
[Question #206250]: Status of bug #1306954 changed to 'Invalid' in Sikuli
From: shatterah, 2014-04-12
[Question #246912]: if exists IMG click IMG gives FindFailed error
From: shatterah, 2014-04-12
Re: [Question #206250]: Getting as ERROR saying - ".png looks like a file, but can't be found on the disk. Assume it's text."
From: shatterah, 2014-04-12
[Question #246902]: Click is not working always on MyPhoneExplorer.
From: siva, 2014-04-12
Re: [Question #246902]: Click is not working always on MyPhoneExplorer.
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-12
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #246902]: Click is not working always on MyPhoneExplorer.
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-12
Re: [Question #246902]: Click is not working always on MyPhoneExplorer.
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-12
Re: [Question #246902]: Click is not working always on MyPhoneExplorer.
From: siva, 2014-04-15
Re: [Question #246902]: Click is not working always on MyPhoneExplorer.
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-15
Re: [Question #246863]: A strange behaviour?
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-11
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #246863]: A strange behaviour?
From: Garima Kumar, 2014-04-22
Re: [Question #246863]: A strange behaviour?
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-22
Re: [Question #246863]: A strange behaviour?
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-22
Re: [Question #246863]: A strange behaviour?
From: Garima Kumar, 2014-04-24
[Question #246863]: A strange behaviour?
From: Garima Kumar, 2014-04-11
Re: [Question #246111]: I cant'r run Java/Sikuli code on Jenkins
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2014-04-11
[Question #241355]: Status of bug #1306395 changed to 'In Progress' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-11
Re: [Question #246805]: Get problem when run Verify App keyword when integrate Sikuli with Robot Framework
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-10
[Question #246805]: Get problem when run Verify App keyword when integrate Sikuli with Robot Framework
From: Duy Nguyen, 2014-04-10
Re: [Question #246789]: Data Driven Testing
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-10
[Question #246789]: Data Driven Testing
From: MILIN shandilya, 2014-04-10
Re: [Question #246773]: How to Automate Running a Java Class
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-09
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #246773]: How to Automate Running a Java Class
From: Tyson K, 2014-04-09
Re: [Question #246773]: How to Automate Running a Java Class
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-10
Re: [Question #246773]: How to Automate Running a Java Class
From: Tyson K, 2014-04-10
[Question #246773]: How to Automate Running a Java Class
From: Tyson K, 2014-04-09
Re: [Question #246749]: some spaces does not considered by region.text
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-09
Re: [Question #246742]: How to choose randomly from several lists and use them?
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-09
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #246742]: How to choose randomly from several lists and use them?
From: alceal, 2014-04-09
Re: [Question #246742]: How to choose randomly from several lists and use them?
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-09
Re: [Question #246742]: How to choose randomly from several lists and use them?
From: alceal, 2014-04-10
[Question #246749]: some spaces does not considered by region.text
From: Sikulipro, 2014-04-09
[Question #246742]: How to choose randomly from several lists and use them?
From: alceal, 2014-04-09
[Question #246732]: Test works only once
From: shaihulud, 2014-04-09
Re: [Question #246130]: Adding Event handler in sikuli IDE
From: Mujeebu Rahman, 2014-04-09
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #246130]: Adding Event handler in sikuli IDE
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-09
Re: [Question #246130]: Adding Event handler in sikuli IDE
From: Mujeebu Rahman, 2014-04-09
Re: [Question #246130]: Adding Event handler in sikuli IDE
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-09
Re: [Question #246130]: Adding Event handler in sikuli IDE
From: Mujeebu Rahman, 2014-04-10
Re: [Question #246130]: Adding Event handler in sikuli IDE
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-10
Re: [Question #246130]: Adding Event handler in sikuli IDE
From: Mujeebu Rahman, 2014-04-11
Re: [Question #246723]: Termination of an application completely when multiple windows within the appliation is open
From: bgbig, 2014-04-09
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #246723]: Termination of an application completely when multiple windows within the appliation is open
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-09
Re: [Question #246723]: Termination of an application completely when multiple windows within the appliation is open
From: bgbig, 2014-04-09
Re: [Question #246723]: Termination of an application completely when multiple windows within the appliation is open
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-09
Re: [Question #246723]: Termination of an application completely when multiple windows within the appliation is open
From: bgbig, 2014-04-11
[Question #246723]: Termination an application completely when multiple windows within the appliation is open
From: bgbig, 2014-04-09
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-08
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: Atul Mirvankar, 2014-04-09
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-09
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: Atul Mirvankar, 2014-04-11
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: Atul Mirvankar, 2014-04-11
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-12
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: Atul Mirvankar, 2014-04-14
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: Atul Mirvankar, 2014-04-16
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-16
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: Atul Mirvankar, 2014-04-16
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-16
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: Atul Mirvankar, 2014-04-16
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-16
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: Atul Mirvankar, 2014-04-16
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: Atul Mirvankar, 2014-04-16
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-16
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-16
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: Atul Mirvankar, 2014-04-21
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-21
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: Atul Mirvankar, 2014-04-22
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-22
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-22
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: Atul Mirvankar, 2014-04-22
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-22
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: Atul Mirvankar, 2014-04-25
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-25
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: Atul Mirvankar, 2014-04-25
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: Atul Mirvankar, 2014-04-28
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: Atul Mirvankar, 2014-04-28
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-28
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-28
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: Atul Mirvankar, 2014-04-29
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: Atul Mirvankar, 2014-04-29
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-29
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: Atul Mirvankar, 2014-04-29
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: Atul Mirvankar, 2014-04-29
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-29
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-29
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: Atul Mirvankar, 2014-05-05
Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: Atul Mirvankar, 2014-05-05
[Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java
From: Atul Mirvankar, 2014-04-08
[Question #246693]: Unable to run .exe file with environment variable
From: cat123, 2014-04-08
Re: [Question #246693]: Unable to run .exe file with environment variable
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-08
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #246693]: Unable to run .exe file with environment variable
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-08
Re: [Question #246693]: Unable to run .exe file with environment variable
From: cat123, 2014-04-15
Re: [Question #246688]: OCR numbers in a flash application
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-08
[Question #246688]: OCR numbers in a flash application
From: neogeo, 2014-04-08
Re: [Question #246667]: how to switch between remote desktop and local machine.(for ex.copy the content from local machine excel to remote desktop excel for some iterations).
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-08
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #246667]: how to switch between remote desktop and local machine.(for ex.copy the content from local machine excel to remote desktop excel for some iterations).
From: hariprasadh, 2014-04-08
Re: [Question #246667]: how to switch between remote desktop and local machine.(for ex.copy the content from local machine excel to remote desktop excel for some iterations).
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-08
Re: [Question #246667]: how to switch between remote desktop and local machine.(for ex.copy the content from local machine excel to remote desktop excel for some iterations).
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2014-04-23
[Question #246667]: how to switch between remote desktop and local machine.(for ex.copy the content from local machine excel to remote desktop excel for some iterations).
From: hariprasadh, 2014-04-08
Re: [Question #241355]: [1.0.1] Mac: Retina display: Sikuli screenshot images are not found (not scaled to 200%)
From: Barry Janzen, 2014-04-08
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #241355]: [1.0.1] Mac: Retina display: Sikuli screenshot images are not found (not scaled to 200%)
From: Barry Janzen, 2014-04-10
Re: [Question #241355]: [1.0.1] Mac: Retina display: Sikuli screenshot images are not found (not scaled to 200%)
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-11
Re: [Question #241355]: [1.0.1] Mac: Retina display: Sikuli screenshot images are not found (not scaled to 200%)
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-11
Re: [Question #241355]: [1.0.1] Mac: Retina display: Sikuli screenshot images are not found (not scaled to 200%)
From: Noktyn, 2017-03-22
Re: [Question #241355]: [1.0.1] Mac: Retina display: Sikuli screenshot images are not found (not scaled to 200%)
From: keith Fischer, 2017-03-22
Re: [Question #124759]: Can you run Python and call Sikuli from there? --- use XML-RPC
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-07
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #124759]: Can you run Python and call Sikuli from there? --- use XML-RPC
From: Anubhav, 2014-11-19
Re: [Question #124759]: Can you run Python and call Sikuli from there? --- use XML-RPC
From: Anubhav, 2014-11-19
Re: [Question #124759]: Can you run Python and call Sikuli from there? --- use XML-RPC
From: Rahul Kumar, 2017-03-26
Re: [Question #124759]: Can you run Python and call Sikuli from there? --- use XML-RPC
From: Rahul Kumar, 2017-03-26
Re: [Question #124759]: Can you run Python and call Sikuli from there? --- use XML-RPC
From: Rahul Kumar, 2017-03-26
Re: [Question #124759]: Can you run Python and call Sikuli from there? --- use XML-RPC
From: Rahul Kumar, 2017-03-26
Re: [Question #246466]: paste() doesn't seem to work
From: Greg Howell, 2014-04-07
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #246466]: paste() doesn't seem to work
From: Greg Howell, 2014-04-07
Re: [Question #246466]: paste() doesn't seem to work
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-07
Re: [Question #246466]: paste() doesn't seem to work
From: Greg Howell, 2014-04-07
Re: [Question #246617]: Which Mobile cloud soluitons are supported like Perfecto/Mobile labs?
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-07
[Question #246617]: Which Mobile cloud soluitons are supported like Perfecto/Mobile labs?
From: GAURAV, 2014-04-07
Re: [Question #246613]: Encounting error
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-07
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #246613]: Encounting error
From: Kang Sean, 2014-04-08
Re: [Question #246613]: Encounting error
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-08
Re: [Question #246613]: Encounting error "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: org.sikuli.script.natives.VisionProxyJNI.new_FindInput__SWIG_0()J" while using Sikuli in Java
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-07
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #246613]: Encounting error "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: org.sikuli.script.natives.VisionProxyJNI.new_FindInput__SWIG_0()J" while using Sikuli in Java
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-07
[Question #246613]: Encounting error "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: org.sikuli.script.natives.VisionProxyJNI.new_FindInput__SWIG_0()J" while using Sikuli in Java
From: Kang Sean, 2014-04-07
Re: [Question #246607]: sikuli in Maven Central
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-07
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #246607]: sikuli in Maven Central
From: Claes Harvenberg, 2014-04-07
Re: [Question #246607]: sikuli in Maven Central
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-08
Re: [Question #246607]: sikuli in Maven Central
From: Claes Harvenberg, 2014-04-08
Re: [Question #246607]: sikuli in Maven Central
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-08
[Question #246607]: sikuli in Maven Central
From: Claes Harvenberg, 2014-04-07
[Question #246604]: hi i am ab
From: ab, 2014-04-07
[Question #246603]: hi i am ab
From: ab, 2014-04-07
Re: [Question #246515]: Slow down execution when running via jenkins
From: Mujeebu Rahman, 2014-04-04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #246515]: Slow down execution when running via jenkins
From: Vamsi, 2014-04-04
Re: [Question #246515]: Slow down execution when running via jenkins
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-05
Re: [Question #246515]: Slow down execution when running via jenkins
From: Mujeebu Rahman, 2014-04-07
Re: [Question #246515]: Slow down execution when running via jenkins
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-07
Re: [Question #246515]: Slow down execution when running via jenkins
From: Mujeebu Rahman, 2014-04-07
Re: [Question #246515]: Slow down execution when running via jenkins
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-07
Re: [Question #246515]: Slow down execution when running via jenkins
From: Mujeebu Rahman, 2014-04-07
Re: [Question #246515]: Slow down execution when running via jenkins
From: Mujeebu Rahman, 2014-04-07
[Question #246515]: Slow down execution when running via jenkins
From: Mujeebu Rahman, 2014-04-04
Re: [Question #246501]: How to make sikuli find image for a new search?
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #246501]: How to make sikuli find image for a new search?
From: Diana, 2014-04-09
Re: [Question #246501]: How to make sikuli find image for a new search?
From: Diana, 2014-04-09
[Question #246501]: How to make sikuli find image for a new search?
From: Diana, 2014-04-04
[Question #246466]: paste() doesn't seem to work
From: Greg Howell, 2014-04-03
Re: [Question #246463]: Difference in paste() behavior when launching from IDE and command line
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-03
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #246463]: Difference in paste() behavior when launching from IDE and command line
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2014-04-19
[Question #246463]: Difference in paste() behavior when launching from IDE and command line
From: lozga, 2014-04-03
[Question #246449]: Status of bug #1301774 changed to 'In Progress' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-03
Re: [Question #246449]: Show time duration for each testcase in the report generated by HTMLTestRunner
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-03
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #246449]: Show time duration for each testcase in the report generated by HTMLTestRunner
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-03
Re: [Question #246449]: Show time duration for each testcase in the report generated by HTMLTestRunner
From: Mujeebu Rahman, 2014-04-03
Re: [Question #246449]: Show time duration for each testcase in the report generated by HTMLTestRunner
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-03
200 of 59569 messages, page
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