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Re: Proposal to improve communication and make more efficient the inclusion of new branches.


On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 8:05 PM, Moises Lopez <moylop260@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hello Oliver,
> Current openerp-runbot there is hard-code for sticky branches.
Actually, this can be configured dynamically too. But first the team config
must be clean.

>  I modified this file for explain this point:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AotaKTc4rOjsdGYyaU5IbHVJbHFkY0thNEVqa2hwckE&usp=sharing
> Can you see row 9 of this spreadsheet?
Yes I saw the spreadsheet and I had a quick look at your patches to runbot
too, but I don't think we'll want to merge that. We would prefer if not
everyone is allowed to setup sticky branches, as people are very good at
misusing the tools you give them, and the cases where a sticky branch is
needed should be fairly limited.

Follow ups
