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Messages sent to the sikuli-driver mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 59569 messages, page
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Re: [Question #215490]: Dynamically capture symbols and search them --- all this in a loop
Re: [Question #215490]: Dynamically capture symbols and search them --- all this in a loop
From: RaiMan, 2012-12-01
Re: [Question #215490]: Dynamically capture symbols and search them --- all this in a loop
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-12-01
Re: [Question #215490]: Dynamically capture symbols and search them --- all this in a loop
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-12-01
Re: [Question #215490]: Dynamically capture symbols and search them --- all this in a loop
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-12-01
Re: [Question #215490]: Dynamically capture symbols and search them --- all this in a loop
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-12-01
Re: [Question #215490]: Dynamically capture symbols and search them --- all this in a loop
From: Ben, 2012-12-01
Re: [Question #215490]: Dynamically capture symbols and search them --- all this in a loop
From: Ben, 2012-12-01
Re: [Question #215490]: Dynamically capture symbols and search them --- all this in a loop
From: Ben, 2012-12-01
Re: [Question #215490]: Dynamically capture symbols and search them --- all this in a loop
From: Ben, 2012-12-01
Re: [Question #215490]: Dynamically capture symbols and search them --- all this in a loop
From: Ben, 2012-12-01
Re: [Question #215490]: Dynamically capture symbols and search them --- all this in a loop
From: Ben, 2012-12-01
Re: [Question #215490]: Dynamically capture symbols and search them --- all this in a loop
From: Ben, 2012-12-01
Re: [Question #215490]: Dynamically capture symbols and search them --- all this in a loop
From: Ben, 2012-12-01
Re: [Question #215490]: Dynamically capture symbols and search them --- all this in a loop
From: Ben, 2012-12-01
Re: [Question #215490]: Dynamically capture symbols and search them --- all this in a loop
From: Ben, 2012-12-01
Re: [Question #215490]: Dynamically capture symbols and search them --- all this in a loop
From: Ben, 2012-12-02
Re: [Question #215490]: Dynamically capture symbols and search them --- all this in a loop
From: Ben, 2012-12-02
Re: [Question #215490]: Dynamically capture symbols and search them --- all this in a loop
From: Ben, 2012-12-02
Re: [Question #215490]: Dynamically capture symbols and search them --- all this in a loop
From: Ben, 2012-12-02
Re: [Question #215490]: Dynamically capture symbols and search them --- all this in a loop
From: Ben, 2012-12-03
Re: [Question #215490]: Dynamically capture symbols and search them --- all this in a loop
From: Ben, 2012-12-03
Re: [Question #215490]: Dynamically capture symbols and search them --- all this in a loop
From: RaiMan, 2012-12-03
Re: [Question #215672]: Display Text for Debugging
From: RaiMan, 2012-12-01
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #215672]: Display Text for Debugging
From: Lol5916, 2012-12-01
Re: [Question #215672]: Display Text for Debugging
From: RaiMan, 2012-12-03
Re: [Question #215490]: I Want to Learn How to Code
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-12-01
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #215490]: I Want to Learn How to Code
From: RaiMan, 2012-12-01
Re: [Question #215490]: I Want to Learn How to Code
From: RaiMan, 2012-12-01
[Question #215672]: Display Text for Debugging
From: Lol5916, 2012-11-30
Re: [Question #215645]: Ifexists() & finder() function arent working as expected
From: Mahima, 2012-11-30
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #215645]: Ifexists() & finder() function arent working as expected
From: RaiMan, 2012-12-01
[Question #215645]: Ifexists() function isnt working to me
From: Mahima, 2012-11-30
Re: [Question #215640]: How we can run the sikuli script by using the testNG framework?
From: j, 2012-11-30
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #215640]: How we can run the sikuli script by using the testNG framework?
From: Shivakumar, 2012-12-21
Re: [Question #215640]: How we can run the sikuli script by using the testNG framework?
From: Shivakumar, 2012-12-21
Re: [Question #215630]: i need help looping my script
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-30
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #215630]: i need help looping my script
From: robert gonzales, 2012-11-30
Re: [Question #215630]: i need help looping my script
From: robert gonzales, 2012-11-30
Re: [Question #215630]: i need help looping my script
From: RaiMan, 2012-12-01
Re: [Question #215614]: class file got problem?
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-30
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #215614]: class file got problem?
From: Wing Chi Samuel Wong, 2012-12-03
Re: [Question #215637]: How to run the sikuli script remotly over VNC?
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-30
Re: [Question #215635]: How to run the same script in multiple machines at a time by using the remotely
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-30
[Question #215640]: How we can run the sikuli script by using the testNG framework?
From: naveen, 2012-11-30
[Question #215635]: How to run the same script in multiple machines at a time by using the remotely
From: naveen, 2012-11-30
[Question #215637]: How to run the sikuli script remotly over VNC?
From: naveen, 2012-11-30
[Question #215630]: i need help looping my script
From: robert gonzales, 2012-11-30
[Question #215614]: class file got problem?
From: Wing Chi Samuel Wong, 2012-11-30
Re: [Question #215515]: Puzzle slolver
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-29
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #215515]: Puzzle slolver
From: Wing Chi Samuel Wong, 2012-11-30
Re: [Question #215524]: FindFailed: Line ?, in File ?
From: j, 2012-11-29
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #215524]: FindFailed: Line ?, in File ?
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-29
[Question #215524]: FindFailed: Line ?, in File ?
From: priya, 2012-11-29
[Question #215515]: Puzzle slolver
From: Wing Chi Samuel Wong, 2012-11-29
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-11-28
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-29
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-11-29
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-11-29
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-11-29
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-11-29
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-29
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-11-29
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-29
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-11-29
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-11-29
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-11-29
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-11-29
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-11-30
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-11-30
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-11-30
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-11-30
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-11-30
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-30
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-30
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-11-30
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-11-30
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-30
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-11-30
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-11-30
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-11-30
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-11-30
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-11-30
Re: [Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-12-01
[Question #215490]: Find and click image, then switch tabs
From: Bernard St-Pierre, 2012-11-28
Re: [Question #215470]: How to use openApp in java code?
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-28
Re: [Question #215461]: Sikuli reading from xml files
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-28
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #215461]: Sikuli reading from xml files
From: Calvin, 2012-11-29
[Question #215470]: How to use openApp in java code?
From: Jayaprakasam Raju, 2012-11-28
[Question #215461]: Sikuli reading from xml files
From: Calvin, 2012-11-28
Re: [Question #215422]: Linux: libVisionProxy.so: libml.so.2.1: cannot open shared object file
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-28
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #215422]: Linux: libVisionProxy.so: libml.so.2.1: cannot open shared object file
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-28
Re: [Question #215422]: Linux: libVisionProxy.so: libml.so.2.1: cannot open shared object file
From: AndreAnastacio, 2012-11-28
Re: [Question #215422]: Linux: libVisionProxy.so: libml.so.2.1: cannot open shared object file
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-28
Re: [Question #215422]: Linux: libVisionProxy.so: libml.so.2.1: cannot open shared object file
From: AndreAnastacio, 2012-11-28
Re: [Question #215422]: Linux: libVisionProxy.so: libml.so.2.1: cannot open shared object file
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-28
Re: [Question #215422]: Linux: libVisionProxy.so: libml.so.2.1: cannot open shared object file
From: AndreAnastacio, 2012-11-28
Re: [Question #215422]: Linux: libVisionProxy.so: libml.so.2.1: cannot open shared object file
From: AndreAnastacio, 2012-11-28
Re: [Question #215422]: Linux: libVisionProxy.so: libml.so.2.1: cannot open shared object file
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-29
Re: [Question #215422]: Linux: libVisionProxy.so: libml.so.2.1: cannot open shared object file
From: AndreAnastacio, 2012-11-29
Re: [Question #215422]: Linux: libVisionProxy.so: libml.so.2.1: cannot open shared object file
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-29
Re: [Question #215422]: Linux: libVisionProxy.so: libml.so.2.1: cannot open shared object file
From: AndreAnastacio, 2012-11-29
Re: [Question #215422]: Linux: libVisionProxy.so: libml.so.2.1: cannot open shared object file
From: AndreAnastacio, 2012-12-03
[Question #215422]: libVisionProxy.so: libml.so.2.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
From: AndreAnastacio, 2012-11-27
Re: [Question #215388]: Issue with type()
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-27
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #215388]: Issue with type()
From: Fabian, 2012-11-27
[Question #215388]: Issue with type()
From: Fabian, 2012-11-27
Re: [Question #215380]: selectin value from combo box
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-27
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #215380]: selectin value from combo box
From: Jayaprakasam Raju, 2012-11-28
[Question #215380]: selectin value from combo box
From: Jayaprakasam Raju, 2012-11-27
Re: [Question #215364]: wait(image) / exists (image) sampe rate
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-27
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #215364]: wait(image) / exists (image) sampe rate
From: yogev itamar, 2012-11-27
Re: [Question #215364]: wait(image) / exists (image) sampe rate
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-27
Re: [Question #215364]: wait(image) / exists (image) sampe rate
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-27
Re: [Question #215364]: wait(image) / exists (image) sampe rate
From: yogev itamar, 2012-11-27
[Question #215364]: wait(image) / exists (image) sampe rate
From: yogev itamar, 2012-11-27
Re: [Question #215343]: setting image file path to store captured images
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-27
Re: [Question #215343]: setting image file path
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-27
[Question #215343]: setting image file path
From: Ian Macdonald, 2012-11-27
Re: [Question #215287]: Get height of windows-taskbar
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-26
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #215287]: Get height of windows-taskbar
From: Steffen, 2012-11-28
Re: [Question #215287]: Get height of windows-taskbar
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-28
Re: [Question #215287]: Get height of windows-taskbar
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-28
Re: [Question #215287]: Get height of windows-taskbar
From: Steffen, 2012-11-29
Re: [Question #215287]: Get height of windows-taskbar
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-29
[Question #215287]: Get height of windows-taskbar
From: Steffen, 2012-11-26
Re: [Question #215272]: I written the sikuli scripts in Computer A and i run these scripts in Computer B?
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-26
Re: [Question #215272]: scripts from Computer A do not find some images when run in Computer B
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-26
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #215272]: scripts from Computer A do not find some images when run in Computer B
From: Ashutosh Patil, 2012-11-26
Re: [Question #215272]: scripts from Computer A do not find some images when run in Computer B
From: naveen, 2012-11-27
[Question #215272]: I written the sikuli scripts in Computer A and i run these scripts in Computer B?
From: naveen, 2012-11-26
Re: [Question #215270]: How to open the .txt file ?
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-26
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #215270]: How to open the .txt file ?
From: naveen, 2012-11-27
Re: [Question #215270]: How to open the .txt file ?
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-27
Re: [Question #215270]: How to open the .txt file ?
From: Wolf Touplous, 2012-12-13
Re: [Question #215270]: How to open the .txt file ?
From: RaiMan, 2012-12-19
[Question #215270]: How to open the .txt file ?
From: naveen, 2012-11-26
Re: [Question #215264]: How to run the sikuli scripts in different screen resoltions with out any issues
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-26
Re: [Question #215269]: scripts in 1280x800 do not work in resolution 1920x1200
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-26
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #215269]: scripts in 1280x800 do not work in resolution 1920x1200
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-26
Re: [Question #215269]: scripts in 1280x800 do not work in resolution 1920x1200
From: naveen, 2012-11-26
Re: [Question #215269]: scripts in 1280x800 do not work in resolution 1920x1200
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-26
Re: [Question #215269]: scripts in 1280x800 do not work in resolution 1920x1200
From: naveen, 2012-11-26
[Question #215269]: I written the scripts in 1280x800 resolution , I am trying to run in1920x1200 resolution, I am unable to run the scripts , I am getting the images not found error
From: naveen, 2012-11-26
Re: [Question #215241]: Cant load IA 32bit on a AMD 64 bit platform
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-26
[Question #215264]: How to run the sikuli scripts in different screen resoltions with out any issues
From: naveen, 2012-11-26
Re: [Question #215259]: How to come out from the sikuli test suite from the middle
From: j, 2012-11-26
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #215259]: How to come out from the sikuli test suite from the middle
From: naveen, 2012-11-26
Re: [Question #215259]: How to come out from the sikuli test suite from the middle
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2012-12-11
[Question #215259]: How to come out from the sikuli test suite from the middle
From: naveen, 2012-11-26
[Question #215241]: Cant load IA 32bit on a AMD 64 bit platform
From: Sebastian Howe, 2012-11-26
Re: [Question #215170]: SyntaxError: how to find out, what's wrong
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-25
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #215170]: SyntaxError: how to find out, what's wrong
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-25
Re: [Question #215170]: SyntaxError: how to find out, what's wrong
From: Sebastian Howe, 2012-11-25
Re: [Question #215170]: SyntaxError: how to find out, what's wrong
From: Sebastian Howe, 2012-11-26
Re: [Question #215170]: SyntaxError: how to find out, what's wrong
From: Sebastian Howe, 2012-11-26
Re: [Question #215170]: SyntaxError: mismatched input for everything
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-25
[Question #215170]: SyntaxError: mismatched input for everything
From: Sebastian Howe, 2012-11-25
Re: [Question #215070]: Running Sikuli script in background and watching for hotkeys
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-24
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #215070]: Running Sikuli script in background and watching for hotkeys
From: Robert, 2012-11-24
Re: [Question #215070]: Running Sikuli script in background and watching for hotkeys
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-24
Re: [Question #215070]: Running Sikuli script in background and watching for hotkeys
From: Robert, 2012-11-25
Re: [Question #215070]: Running Sikuli script in background and watching for hotkeys
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-25
[Question #215070]: Running Sikuli script in background and watching for hotkeys
From: Robert, 2012-11-23
Re: [Question #215038]: How to run 10 test cases simultaneously on sikuli and how to get result?(Pass, fail, not run)
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-23
[Question #215038]: How to run 10 test cases simultaneously on sikuli and how to get result?(Pass, fail, not run)
From: Ajay Sonkusare, 2012-11-23
Re: [Question #215002]: Help a newbie with a basic script please. Mine doesn't work.
From: j, 2012-11-23
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #215002]: Help a newbie with a basic script please. Mine doesn't work.
From: j, 2012-11-23
Re: [Question #215002]: Help a newbie with a basic script please. Mine doesn't work.
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-23
Re: [Question #215002]: Mac: how to use addHotkey() and use it without modifier key
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-23
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #215002]: Mac: how to use addHotkey() and use it without modifier key
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-23
Re: [Question #215002]: Mac: how to use addHotkey() and use it without modifier key
From: Robert, 2012-11-23
Re: [Question #215002]: Mac: how to use addHotkey() and use it without modifier key
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-24
[Question #215002]: Help a newbie with a basic script please. Mine doesn't work.
From: Robert, 2012-11-23
Re: [Question #214908]: click on the link in browser and get the html source of where you clicked
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-22
[Question #214908]: click on the link in browser and get the html source of where you clicked
From: daka, 2012-11-22
Re: [Question #214883]: Sikuli text() function and eastern fonts
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-21
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #214883]: Sikuli text() function and eastern fonts
From: Sergio Missori, 2012-11-22
Re: [Question #214889]: Can Sikuli continue after a failed assertion and log it?
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-21
[Question #214889]: Can Sikuli continue after a failed assertion and log it?
From: Shawn Robertson, 2012-11-21
[Question #214883]: Sikuli text() function and eastern fonts
From: Sergio Missori, 2012-11-21
Re: [Question #214847]: click on link where position is below taken picture
From: j, 2012-11-21
[Question #214847]: click on link where position is below taken picture
From: daka, 2012-11-21
Re: [Question #214804]: Calling apps/processes in WinXP 32
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-21
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #214804]: Calling apps/processes in WinXP 32
From: Wayne McLachlan, 2012-11-22
Re: [Question #214804]: Calling apps/processes in WinXP 32
From: Wayne McLachlan, 2012-11-22
Re: [Question #214808]: assertion in setUp
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-21
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #214808]: assertion in setUp
From: Vladimir Rodnyanskiy, 2012-11-21
Re: [Question #214808]: assertion in setUp
From: Vladimir Rodnyanskiy, 2012-11-21
Re: [Question #214836]: Sikuli on Cross Browser Testing
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-21
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #214836]: Sikuli on Cross Browser Testing
From: Vinodhini, 2012-11-21
Re: [Question #214836]: Sikuli on Cross Browser Testing
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-21
Re: [Question #214836]: Sikuli on Cross Browser Testing
From: Vinodhini, 2012-11-21
Re: [Question #214836]: Sikuli on Cross Browser Testing
From: Vinodhini, 2012-11-21
[Question #214836]: Sikuli on Cross Browser Testing
From: Vinodhini, 2012-11-21
[Question #214808]: assertion in setUp
From: Vladimir Rodnyanskiy, 2012-11-21
[Question #214804]: Calling apps/processes in WinXP 32
From: Wayne McLachlan, 2012-11-21
Re: [Question #214750]: assert not exists keeps failing even though really doesn't exist
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-20
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #214750]: assert not exists keeps failing even though really doesn't exist
From: Shawn Robertson, 2012-11-20
Re: [Question #214750]: assert not exists keeps failing even though really doesn't exist
From: RaiMan, 2012-11-20
Re: [Question #214750]: assert not exists keeps failing even though really doesn't exist
From: Shawn Robertson, 2012-11-20
200 of 59569 messages, page
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