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Messages by thread
Messages sent to the sikuli-driver mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 59569 messages, page
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Re: [Question #670780]: OCR using sikuli-api-1.2.0
Re: [Question #670780]: OCR using sikuli-api-1.2.0
From: Naveen Vangipurapu, 2018-07-11
[Question #670783]: Different character encoding when using CMD instead of IDE
From: Max, 2018-07-10
[Question #670780]: OCR using sikuli-api-1.2.0
From: Naveen Vangipurapu, 2018-07-09
Re: [Question #670771]: Monitor Sikulix scenarios
From: chekhab Imed, 2018-07-09
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670771]: Monitor Sikulix scenarios
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-09
Re: [Question #670771]: Monitor Sikulix scenarios
From: chekhab Imed, 2018-07-10
Re: [Question #670771]: Monitor Sikulix scenarios
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-10
[Question #670771]: Monitor Sikulix scenarios
From: chekhab Imed, 2018-07-09
Re: [Question #670756]: EditorPane: Problem while trying to create HTML: null
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-09
[Question #670756]: EditorPane: Problem while trying to create HTML: null
From: Jeff_Vallis, 2018-07-09
[Bug 1780716] [NEW] [request] OpenCV 3.x should be used in SikuliX 1.1.x
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-09
[Bug 1780716] Re: [request] OpenCV 3.x should be used in SikuliX 1.1.x
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-09
[Bug 1780716] Re: [request] OpenCV 3.x should be used in SikuliX 1.1.x
From: RaiMan, 2018-08-22
[Bug 1780716] Re: [request] OpenCV 3.x should be used in SikuliX 1.1.x - fixed in 1.1.4
From: RaiMan, 2018-08-24
[Bug 1780716] Re: [request] OpenCV 3.x should be used in SikuliX 1.1.x - fixed in 1.1.4
From: RaiMan, 2019-11-18
Re: [Question #670754]: Run sikuli for linux with another version of opencv?
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-09
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670754]: Run sikuli for linux with another version of opencv?
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-09
[Question #670754]: Run sikuli for linux with another version of opencv?
From: MPE, 2018-07-09
Re: [Question #670724]: Trouble finding matches for images
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-08
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670724]: Trouble finding matches for images
From: alex, 2018-07-09
Re: [Question #670724]: Trouble finding matches for images
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-09
Re: [Question #670724]: Trouble finding matches for images
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-09
Re: [Question #670724]: Trouble finding matches for images
From: alex, 2018-07-20
Re: [Question #670724]: Trouble finding matches for images
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-21
Re: [Question #670724]: Trouble finding matches for images
From: alex, 2018-07-21
Re: [Question #670724]: Trouble finding matches for images
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-22
Re: [Question #670704]: Jython non-interactive command line quick as in runsikuli -i ? (Ubuntu 16.4)
From: tofti, 2018-07-07
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670704]: Jython non-interactive command line quick as in runsikuli -i ? (Ubuntu 16.4)
From: tofti, 2018-07-07
Re: [Question #670704]: Jython non-interactive command line quick as in runsikuli -i ? (Ubuntu 16.4)
From: tofti, 2018-07-07
Re: [Question #670704]: Jython non-interactive command line quick as in runsikuli -i ? (Ubuntu 16.4)
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-08
Re: [Question #670704]: Jython non-interactive command line quick as in runsikuli -i ? (Ubuntu 16.4)
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-08
Re: [Question #670704]: Jython non-interactive command line quick as in runsikuli -i ? (Ubuntu 16.4)
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-08
Re: [Question #670704]: Jython non-interactive command line quick as in runsikuli -i ? (Ubuntu 16.4)
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-08
Re: [Question #670704]: Jython non-interactive command line quick as in runsikuli -i ? (Ubuntu 16.4)
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-08
Re: [Question #670704]: Jython non-interactive command line quick as in runsikuli -i ? (Ubuntu 16.4)
From: tofti, 2018-07-09
Re: [Question #670704]: Jython non-interactive command line quick as in runsikuli -i ? (Ubuntu 16.4)
From: tofti, 2018-07-16
Re: [Question #670704]: Jython non-interactive command line quick as in runsikuli -i ? (Ubuntu 16.4)
From: tofti, 2018-07-16
[Question #670724]: Trouble finding matches for images
From: alex, 2018-07-07
Re: [Question #670721]: I can't use more 3 pictures
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-07
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670721]: I can't use more 3 pictures
From: mrderanakt, 2018-07-07
Re: [Question #670719]: [1.1.x] macOS 10.13: MouseDown: extended delay:
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-07
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670719]: [1.1.x] macOS 10.13: MouseDown: extended delay:
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-07
Re: [Question #670719]: MouseDown: extended delay:
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-07
[Question #670722]: (Russian) Не могу использовать больше 3 фотографий в коде
From: mrderanakt, 2018-07-07
[Question #670721]: I can't use more 3 pictures
From: mrderanakt, 2018-07-07
[Question #670719]: MouseDown: extended delay:
From: Jeff_Vallis, 2018-07-07
Re: [Question #670718]: Mac: runsikulix -- all you need is in the folder, where you run setup
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-07
Re: [Question #670718]: runsikulix
From: Jeff_Vallis, 2018-07-07
[Question #670718]: runsikulix
From: Jeff_Vallis, 2018-07-07
[Question #670704]: Jython non-interactive command line quick as in runlinux -i ? (Ubuntu 16.4)
From: tofti, 2018-07-06
Re: [Question #670690]: Is there any way to find only borders of Image
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-06
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670690]: Is there any way to find only borders of Image
From: Prabhakaran, 2018-07-09
Re: [Question #670690]: Is there any way to find only borders of Image
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-09
Re: [Question #670690]: Is there any way to find only borders of Image
From: Prabhakaran, 2018-07-31
Re: [Question #670690]: Is there any way to find only borders of Image
From: RaiMan, 2018-08-01
[Question #670690]: Is there any way to find only borders of Image
From: Prabhakaran, 2018-07-06
[Bug 1780299] [NEW] [1.1.3] IDE: When setting "Show thumbnails" on, Pattern.resize() is deleted --- fixed 1.1.3 2017-06-05 build #33
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-05
[Bug 1780299] Re: [1.1.3] IDE: When setting "Show thumbnails" on, Pattern.resize() is deleted --- fixed 1.1.3 2017-06-05 build #33
From: RaiMan, 2020-03-18
[Question #670660]: Status of bug #1780299 changed to 'Fix Committed' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-05
Re: [Question #670674]: string concatination
From: SAMEENA FIRDOS, 2018-07-05
[Question #670674]: string concatination
From: SAMEENA FIRDOS, 2018-07-05
Re: [Question #670612]: Slight colour difference in sikuli
From: masuo, 2018-07-05
[Bug 1780160] [NEW] after run, no cursor exists, no editing can be done
From: Paul Levin, 2018-07-04
[Bug 1780160] Re: after run, no cursor exists, no editing can be done
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-05
[Bug 1780160] Re: [1.1.x] Mac: after run, no cursor exists, no editing can be done --- workaround
From: Paul Levin, 2018-07-05
[Bug 1780160] Re: [1.1.x] Mac: after run, no cursor exists, no editing can be done --- workarounds
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-05
[Bug 1780160] Re: [1.1.x] Mac: after run, no cursor exists, no editing can be done --- workarounds
From: RaiMan, 2018-11-19
[Bug 1780160] Re: [1.1.x] Mac: after run, no cursor exists, no editing can be done --- workarounds
From: RaiMan, 2019-11-07
Re: [Question #670660]: Set "Show thumbnails" switch on in SikuliX IDE, Pattern.resize() is deleted.
From: masuo, 2018-07-04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670660]: Set "Show thumbnails" switch on in SikuliX IDE, Pattern.resize() is deleted.
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-04
Re: [Question #670660]: Set "Show thumbnails" switch on in SikuliX IDE, Pattern.resize() is deleted.
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-05
Re: [Question #670660]: Set "Show thumbnails" switch on in SikuliX IDE, Pattern.resize() is deleted.
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-05
Re: [Question #670660]: Set "Show thumbnails" switch on in SikuliX IDE, Pattern.resize() is deleted.
From: masuo, 2018-07-05
Re: [Question #670660]: Set "Show thumbnails" switch on in SikuliX IDE, Pattern.resize() is deleted.
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-06
Re: [Question #670660]: Set "Show thumbnails" switch on in SikuliX IDE, Pattern.resize() is deleted.
From: masuo, 2018-07-08
Re: [Question #670660]: Set "Show thumbnails" switch on in SikuliX IDE, Pattern.resize() is deleted.
From: masuo, 2018-07-08
Re: [Question #670660]: Set "Show thumbnails" switch on in SikuliX IDE, Pattern.resize() is deleted.
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-08
[Question #670660]: Set "Show thumbnails" switch on in SikuliX IDE, Pattern.resize() is deleted.
From: masuo, 2018-07-04
Re: [Question #670649]: [Robot Framework] Run Process and continue using Sikuli Commands
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-04
[Question #670649]: [Robot Framework] Run Process and continue using Sikuli Commands
From: deepak, 2018-07-04
Re: [Question #670637]: Sikuli Click not identifying base images in different machines[Robot Framework]
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-03
[Question #670637]: Sikuli Click not identifying base images in different machines[Robot Framework]
From: harshbansal, 2018-07-03
Re: [Question #670628]: Headless installation of sikulixapi on Linux
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-03
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670628]: Headless installation of sikulixapi on Linux
From: Ven Karri, 2018-07-03
Re: [Question #670628]: Headless installation of sikulixapi on Linux
From: Ven Karri, 2018-07-03
Re: [Question #670628]: Headless installation of sikulixapi on Linux
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-03
Re: [Question #670627]: Headless installation of sikulixapi on Linux
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-03
Re: [Question #670626]: Headless installation of sikulixapi on Linux
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-03
[Question #670628]: Headless installation of sikulixapi on Linux
From: Ven Karri, 2018-07-03
[Question #670627]: Headless installation of sikulixapi on Linux
From: Ven Karri, 2018-07-03
[Question #670626]: Headless installation of sikulixapi on Linux
From: Ven Karri, 2018-07-03
[Question #670624]: (Chinese (Traditional)) 安裝 sikuli 成功後卻無法執行
From: ts00651266, 2018-07-02
Re: [Question #670620]: Question about tolerance changing via script
From: masuo, 2018-07-02
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670620]: Question about tolerance changing via script
From: Don S, 2018-07-18
[Question #670620]: Question about tolerance changing via script
From: Don S, 2018-07-02
Re: [Question #670613]: how to establish a vnclinet connection using vncviewer class.
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-02
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670613]: how to establish a vnclinet connection using vncviewer class.
From: Bennil, 2018-07-02
Re: [Question #670613]: how to establish a vnclinet connection using vncviewer class.
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-02
Re: [Question #670613]: how to establish a vnclinet connection using vncviewer class.
From: Bennil, 2018-07-02
[Question #670613]: how to establish a vnclinet connection using vncviewer class.
From: Bennil, 2018-07-02
[Question #670612]: Slight colour difference in sikuli
From: SAMEENA FIRDOS, 2018-07-02
Re: [Question #670605]: Robot Framework + Sikulix capturing back screen
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-02
[Question #670605]: Robot Framework + Sikulix capturing back screen
From: Amol, 2018-07-02
Re: [Question #670590]: Looping with incremental number in type filed
From: masuo, 2018-07-01
[Question #670590]: Looping with incremental number in type filed
From: sri, 2018-07-01
Re: [Question #670582]: Eclipse dialogs appear blank for sikuli in Ubuntu (taking image or searching)
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-01
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670582]: Eclipse dialogs appear blank for sikuli in Ubuntu (taking image or searching)
From: Tzvi, 2018-07-01
[Question #670582]: Eclipse dialogs appear blank for sikuli in Ubuntu (taking image or searching)
From: Tzvi, 2018-07-01
Re: [Question #670579]: Separating identical test ideas needed.
From: masuo, 2018-07-01
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670579]: Separating identical test ideas needed.
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-01
Re: [Question #670579]: Separating identical test ideas needed.
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-01
Re: [Question #670579]: Separating identical test ideas needed.
From: sdraganov, 2018-07-02
Re: [Question #670579]: Separating identical test ideas needed.
From: RaiMan, 2018-07-03
[Question #670579]: Separating identical test ideas needed.
From: sdraganov, 2018-06-30
Re: [Question #670437]: Need some pointers on how to test POS with Sikuli
From: Mike, 2018-06-30
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670437]: Need some pointers on how to test POS with Sikuli
From: Madhavi, 2018-07-02
Re: [Question #670437]: Need some pointers on how to test POS with Sikuli
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2018-07-17
Re: [Question #670437]: Need some pointers on how to test POS with Sikuli
From: Madhavi, 2018-07-17
Re: [Question #670437]: Need some pointers on how to test POS with Sikuli
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2018-08-02
Re: [Question #670562]: how to pass an argument to an imported function in a sikuli script
From: Roman Podolyan, 2018-06-30
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670562]: how to pass an argument to an imported function in a sikuli script
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-30
[Question #670562]: how to pass an argument to an imported function in a sikuli script
From: Marc Summers, 2018-06-29
Re: [Question #670542]: How to use HTMLTestRunner to create a test report
From: BenjaminWang, 2018-06-29
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670542]: How to use HTMLTestRunner to create a test report
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-29
Re: [Question #670542]: How to use HTMLTestRunner to create a test report
From: BenjaminWang, 2018-07-10
Re: [Question #670542]: How to use HTMLTestRunner to create a test report
From: Thuraisingam, 2019-05-20
Re: [Question #670542]: How to use HTMLTestRunner to create a test report
From: RaiMan, 2019-05-20
Re: [Question #670542]: How to use HTMLTestRunner to create a test report
From: Thuraisingam, 2019-05-20
Re: [Question #670542]: How to use HTMLTestRunner to create a test report
From: Thuraisingam, 2019-05-20
Re: [Question #670542]: How to use HTMLTestRunner to create a test report
From: RaiMan, 2019-05-20
Re: [Question #670542]: How to use HTMLTestRunner to create a test report
From: Thuraisingam, 2019-05-20
[Question #670542]: How to use HTMLTestRunner to create a test report
From: BenjaminWang, 2018-06-29
Re: [Question #670456]: [HowTo] FindFailed handler: General error handling --- 1.1.3 +
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-29
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670456]: [HowTo] FindFailed handler: General error handling --- 1.1.3 +
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-29
Re: [Question #670456]: [HowTo] FindFailed handler: General error handling --- 1.1.3 +
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-29
Re: [Question #670456]: [HowTo] FindFailed handler: General error handling --- 1.1.3 +
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-29
Re: [Question #670456]: [HowTo] FindFailed handler: General error handling
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-29
Re: [Question #670538]: Feature Request: Remove borders from thumbnails
From: Dillon, 2018-06-29
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670538]: Feature Request: Remove borders from thumbnails
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-29
[Question #670538]: Feature Request: Remove borders from thumbnails
From: Dillon, 2018-06-29
Re: [Question #670526]: testing rotation in sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-28
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670526]: testing rotation in sikuli
From: SAMEENA FIRDOS, 2018-06-28
[Question #670526]: testing rotation in sikuli
From: SAMEENA FIRDOS, 2018-06-28
Re: [Question #670503]: How can i add my own functionality in this sofware?
From: Azharuddin, 2018-06-27
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670503]: How can i add my own functionality in this sofware?
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-27
[Question #670503]: How can i add my own functionality in this sofware?
From: Azharuddin, 2018-06-27
Re: [Question #670502]: Youtube Automation
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-27
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670502]: Youtube Automation
From: Hanisha, 2018-06-28
Re: [Question #670502]: Youtube Automation
From: Hanisha, 2018-06-28
Re: [Question #670502]: Youtube Automation
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-28
Re: [Question #670502]: Youtube Automation
From: TestMechanic, 2018-06-28
Re: [Question #670502]: Youtube Automation
From: Hanisha, 2018-06-29
[Question #670502]: Youtube Automation
From: Hanisha, 2018-06-27
[Bug 1778879] [NEW] [1.1.x] IDE: when inserting text (copy&paste) the indent settings should be observed
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-27
[Bug 1778855] [NEW] [1.1.x] Python scripting: Global SCREEN object does not inherit global FindFailed settings
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-27
[Bug 1778855] Re: [1.1.x] Python scripting: Global SCREEN object does not inherit global FindFailed settings
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-27
[Bug 1778855] Re: [1.1.x] Python scripting: Global SCREEN object does not inherit global FindFailed settings
From: RaiMan, 2021-02-09
Re: [Question #670489]: Where is your User Agreement and Terms? --- MIT license
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-27
Re: [Question #670489]: Where is your User Agreement and Terms?
From: Young Lee, 2018-06-26
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670489]: Where is your User Agreement and Terms?
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-27
[Question #670489]: Where is your User Agreement and Terms?
From: Young Lee, 2018-06-26
Re: [Question #670485]: how to take image and save at run time
From: masuo, 2018-06-26
[Question #670485]: how to take image and save at run time
From: SAMEENA FIRDOS, 2018-06-26
Re: [Question #670478]: i am unable to find that how sikuli compares the images .Either by colour or by pixels
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-26
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670478]: i am unable to find that how sikuli compares the images .Either by colour or by pixels
From: SAMEENA FIRDOS, 2018-06-26
Re: [Question #670478]: i am unable to find that how sikuli compares the images .Either by colour or by pixels
From: masuo, 2018-06-26
[Question #670478]: i am unable to find that how sikuli compares the images .Either by colour or by pixels
From: SAMEENA FIRDOS, 2018-06-26
[Question #99726]: Status of bug #878864 changed to 'Fix Committed' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-26
Re: [Question #670456]: General error handling
From: alex, 2018-06-25
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670456]: General error handling
From: alex, 2018-06-25
Re: [Question #670456]: General error handling
From: alex, 2018-06-25
Re: [Question #670456]: General error handling
From: alex, 2018-06-25
Re: [Question #670456]: General error handling
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-26
Re: [Question #670456]: General error handling
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-27
Re: [Question #670456]: General error handling
From: alex, 2018-06-27
Re: [Question #670456]: General error handling
From: alex, 2018-06-27
Re: [Question #670456]: General error handling
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-27
Re: [Question #670456]: General error handling
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-27
Re: [Question #670456]: General error handling
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-27
Re: [Question #670456]: General error handling
From: alex, 2018-06-27
Re: [Question #670456]: General error handling
From: alex, 2018-06-27
Re: [Question #670456]: General error handling
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-28
Re: [Question #670456]: General error handling
From: alex, 2018-06-28
Re: [Question #670456]: General error handling
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-28
Re: [Question #670456]: General error handling
From: alex, 2018-06-28
Re: [Question #670456]: General error handling
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-28
Re: [Question #670456]: General error handling
From: alex, 2018-06-28
Re: [Question #670456]: General error handling
From: alex, 2018-06-28
[Question #670456]: General error handling
From: alex, 2018-06-25
Re: [Question #670415]: [1.1.3]feature to resize images automatically on the fly before search
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-25
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670415]: [1.1.3]feature to resize images automatically on the fly before search
From: masuo, 2018-06-25
Re: [Question #670415]: [1.1.3]feature to resize images automatically on the fly before search
From: masuo, 2018-06-25
[Question #670437]: Need some pointers on how to test POS with Sikuli
From: Madhavi, 2018-06-24
[Question #670415]: [1.1.3]feature to resize images automatically on the fly before search
From: masuo, 2018-06-23
Re: [Question #670060]: Mobile Automation
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2018-06-23
Re: [Question #670404]: Error in setting up Sikuli In Ubuntu
From: Srikanth Muralidharan, 2018-06-22
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #670404]: Error in setting up Sikuli In Ubuntu
From: TestMechanic, 2018-06-28
Re: [Question #670404]: Error in setting up Sikuli In Ubuntu
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2018-07-14
[Question #670404]: Error in setting up Sikuli In Ubuntu
From: Srikanth Muralidharan, 2018-06-22
Re: [Question #670379]: [1.1.2] Mac: Cannot capture top menu bar and dock items
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-22
200 of 59569 messages, page
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