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Message #00278
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
By the way you can pull-request the test scripts too!
2015-08-03 23:01 GMT+02:00 Juan Álvaro Muñoz Naranjo <juanalvaro83@xxxxxxxxx
> Man this is really interesting, thanks for sharing. I hope Leo can review
> them too.
> One remarkable result here is the fact that having a second trusted peer
> does not have a real impact on malicious peer expulsion. I realize now that
> this is due to how the Str technique is designed. Not for GSoC, but maybe
> we should think of a evolution of the protocol that reflected the
> aggregation of trusted peers. Cristóbal, that might be intersting if it has
> not been researched yet.
> In light of this, can I ask you to run another couple of experiments with
> more trusted peers? Say 4 and 8, and see what happens... I just want to
> confirm that adding those peers does not accelerate malicious peer
> expulsion.
> Also, could you run an experiment in which malicious peers kept entering
> the team? I mean, in a real environment an adversary would not give up so
> easily since when computational resources are cheap (by cheap I mean that
> you can launch a lot from a single machine, or you can create a botnet by
> infecting other people's machines and use that botnet to attack the team).
> In that situation the best possible result would be to keep expulsing
> enough adversaries per iteration so that the quality of the stream is
> enough to be played back.
> Very good work Ilya ;) (see below, I reply inline)
> To be honest, I dont see how splitter can determine malicious peers if
>>> there more than 50% of malicious peers in the team. Could you please advice
>>> some direction?
>>> My feeling is that we can only maintain control of the team if the
> number of peers is below 50%, as you say. Cristóbal, I think this is an
> interesting result to prove with a theorem.
> Juan
>> Thanks!
>>> 2015-07-28 12:36 GMT+05:00 L.G.Casado <leo@xxxxxx>:
>>>> Dear ILshat,
>>>> Your reputation system, as many others, may produce false positive and
>>>> false negative.
>>>> False positive: a bunch of malicious peers complaint about a well
>>>> intended one.
>>>> False negative: a bunch of malicious peers does not complain about a
>>>> malicious peer.
>>>> About time on the team: a malicious peer can perform correctly for a
>>>> long period and suddenly make an attack.
>>>> It is not an easy task.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Leo
>>>> El mar, 28-07-2015 a las 12:00 +0500, Ilshat Shakirov escribió:
>>>> As I said we can assign some reputation parameter to each peer. Let's
>>>> say that we exclude peer P from the team if Q > X, where X some threshold
>>>> value and
>>>> where I_i = 1 if i-th peer marked peer P as malicious and 0 in the
>>>> other case.
>>>> w_i can be assigned by the time of existing peer in the team. So if
>>>> peer exists in team from the start of streaming, and it hasn't complaints
>>>> from the other peers, it has the maximum reputation value (w_i parameter).
>>>> So the question is how to choose w_i more optimal (and the threshold
>>>> value X respectively).
>>>> 2015-07-28 1:08 GMT+05:00 Juan Álvaro Muñoz Naranjo <
>>>> juanalvaro83@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>> Hi again,
>>>> Also, I wanted to develop heuristic for the excluding malicious peers
>>>> from the team based on the all the team (not only trusted peers). Do you
>>>> have any ideas? I think about smth like: 'exclude peer if more than x% of
>>>> the team marked it as malicious'. Also, we can assign 'reputation' to each
>>>> peer, so some peers will have more influence on the decision of excluding
>>>> peer. What do you think?
>>>> Yeah, we've been considering it. The problem with the x% solution is
>>>> that i can easily turn against us. Imagine the attacker controls a high
>>>> percentage of the nodes in the network (that would be easy, just run a huge
>>>> number of peers > x% in a small number of machines and you've got it) and
>>>> starts complaining against valid peers. The valid peers would be expulsed
>>>> by the splitter. That would be an easy DoS.
>>>> So, to reduce the impact of attackers, let's say that we set x to 50%:
>>>> the attacker would need to control more than half of the team in order to
>>>> expulse someone. But let's say the attacker controls 45% of the peers. Not
>>>> enough to expulse anyone, but now he can act inversely: he uses that 45% of
>>>> malicious peers to send corrupted chunks to a set of peers smaller than
>>>> 50%. Those affected legal peers will not be able to play 45% of the
>>>> packets, so they will probably abandon the team due to playback quality
>>>> problems. Again a DoS. And the attackers will not be expulsed since the
>>>> splitter did not receive at least 50% of complaints!
>>>> Any idea on this?
>>>> Juan
>>>> Thanks! =)
>>>> 2015-07-23 2:01 GMT+05:00 Juan Álvaro Muñoz Naranjo <
>>>> juanalvaro83@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>> Hi Ilshat,
>>>> first of all thanks for your update, it was very interesting. Just one
>>>> thing: when the DS technique is completed we'll send the public key under a
>>>> X.509 certificate format. Ideally this certificate should be signed by a
>>>> trusted certificate authority and contain information about the
>>>> organization managing the splitter to offer some degree of trust. The
>>>> certificate might even be distributed with the software, or be given by the
>>>> web page if we were in a web player with WebRTC. Otherwise the attacker
>>>> might send its own public key to the peers impersonating the splitter. But
>>>> for now it is ok like that.
>>>> Now, let's get to the point. How to run the experiments. Vicente
>>>> already suggested the use of tools/create_a_team.sh in a previous message
>>>> (thank you Vicente!). Also, Cristóbal suggests this:
>>>> https://github.com/cristobalmedinalopez/p2psp-chunk-scheduling/blob/master/tools/run_experiment.sh
>>>> These solutions are for experiments in one machine of course, which is
>>>> enough for us. If you need more peers you should be able to combine several
>>>> machines by running one script per machine. Of course, we're interested in
>>>> seeing how peers' buffers are filled with chunks and not in video playback:
>>>> as you can see, both scripts send the video signal to /dev/null.
>>>> Which experiment to run? We propose the following: we're interested in
>>>> average expulsion times for an attacker, and if all of them are expulsed
>>>> after a given time. Also, the average percentage of gaps in the peers'
>>>> buffers (so we can see if playback is possible in presence of attackers and
>>>> after how long). I think you should measure time in terms of sending rounds
>>>> (you know, one round would be the splitter sending one chunk to every
>>>> member of the team).
>>>> So, let's say that you have a team of 100 peers. From that team, a
>>>> percentage of peers will be malicious: 1%, 10%, 25%, 50%. I imagine a plot
>>>> in which the X axis is time (number of rounds) and in which we depict:
>>>> number of remaining malicious peers in the team (because some of them will
>>>> be expulsed) and average filling of peers' buffers. Ideally, as the number
>>>> of remaining malicious peers decreases the filling of buffers should
>>>> increase.
>>>> Showing the number of complains from peers in the first technique would
>>>> be also interesting.
>>>> Another thing to measure would be the percentage of bandwidth used for
>>>> real multimedia data (this is, how many bytes from the total are really
>>>> used for transmitting the video). You can compare the baseline (no security
>>>> measures, just plain video without malicious attackers) against both
>>>> techniques.
>>>> So, for running these experiments you'll need to decide which
>>>> information you want to store from each peer (buffer filling percentage at
>>>> each iteration, how many malicious peers at each iteration, how many bytes
>>>> were sent and how many of them were used for video, how many complains
>>>> arrived to the splitter in every iteration). Am I forgetting anything?
>>>> My suggestion is run the experiment for the first technique and see how
>>>> it goes. Make sure to run the experiment more than once, say 5 times, and
>>>> then get the average of them all.
>>>> Good work,
>>>> Juan
>>>> 2015-07-21 20:06 GMT+02:00 Vicente Gonzalez <
>>>> vicente.gonzalez.ruiz@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>> Hi Ilshat,
>>>> did you try tools/create_a_team.sh?
>>>> (I tested to run up to 100 peers in my 8HG Mac machine)
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Vi.
>>>> On Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 8:36 PM Ilshat Shakirov <im.shakirov@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello!,
>>>> Sorry for the long delay.
>>>> Here is status update about CIS of rules project:
>>>> http://shakirov-dev.blogspot.ru/2015/07/5-6-7-week.html
>>>> Also, I need some help with testing a big (ie, 20 peers) p2psp-teams. I
>>>> want solution that allows to reproduce testing experiments easily. So the
>>>> commenting lines (to remove need in running vlc) is not suitable for this.
>>>> I've wrote simple script which runs several peers (in one machine) and
>>>> here is result
>>>> <https://www.evernote.com/shard/s427/sh/0b070670-8de9-4a61-acec-562035cfc3ef/7403917d3ca736eea6d60da8ba23543b>.
>>>> I think it's quite hard to understand smth in this (and reproduce). So,
>>>> what is the best solution for testing p2psp-teams and gather some stats?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> 2015-06-25 16:13 GMT+05:00 Vicente Gonzalez <
>>>> vicente.gonzalez.ruiz@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>> On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 5:48 PM L.G.Casado <leo@xxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> El mié, 24-06-2015 a las 16:44 +0500, Ilshat Shakirov escribió:
>>>> Ok; Is there any option run peer without running a player? I'm going to
>>>> run all peers in one local machine, is it right?
>>>> At this moment, the easiest way to test a lot of peers in one machine
>>>> is to connect to each peer a NetCat client [
>>>> http://netcat.sourceforge.net/]. It is not the most efficient
>>>> solution, but you should be able to run hundreds of peers in a 8GB machine.
>>>> However, is quite simple to avoid sending the stream in each peer. Just
>>>> comment (temporally) the code that feeds the player.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Vi.
>>>> --
>>>> --
>>>> Vicente González Ruiz
>>>> Depto de Informática
>>>> Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería
>>>> Universidad de Almería
>>>> Carretera Sacramento S/N
>>>> 04120, La Cañada de San Urbano
>>>> Almería, España
>>>> e-mail: vruiz@xxxxxx
>>>> http://www.ual.es/~vruiz
>>>> tel: +34 950 015711
>>>> fax: +34 950 015486
>>>> --
>>>> --
>>>> Vicente González Ruiz
>>>> Depto de Informática
>>>> Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería
>>>> Universidad de Almería
>>>> Carretera Sacramento S/N
>>>> 04120, La Cañada de San Urbano
>>>> Almería, España
>>>> e-mail: vruiz@xxxxxx
>>>> http://www.ual.es/~vruiz
>>>> tel: +34 950 015711
>>>> fax: +34 950 015486
>>>> --
>>>> Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~p2psp
>>>> Post to : p2psp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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>> --
>> --
>> Vicente González Ruiz
>> Depto de Informática
>> Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería
>> Universidad de Almería
>> Carretera Sacramento S/N
>> 04120, La Cañada de San Urbano
>> Almería, España
>> e-mail: vruiz@xxxxxx
>> http://www.ual.es/~vruiz
>> tel: +34 950 015711
>> fax: +34 950 015486
>> --
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CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-05-23
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Cristóbal Medina López, 2015-05-23
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Juan Álvaro Muñoz Naranjo, 2015-05-24
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-05-25
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: L.G.Casado, 2015-05-25
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-05-25
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: L.G.Casado, 2015-05-25
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-05-25
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-05-31
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: L.G.Casado, 2015-06-01
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-06-01
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-06-08
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: L.G.Casado, 2015-06-09
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Juan Álvaro Muñoz Naranjo, 2015-06-14
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Vicente Gonzalez, 2015-06-15
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-06-18
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Juan Álvaro Muñoz Naranjo, 2015-06-20
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-06-21
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Vicente Gonzalez, 2015-06-22
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-06-22
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Vicente Gonzalez, 2015-06-22
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Juan Álvaro Muñoz Naranjo, 2015-06-22
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-06-23
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Juan Álvaro Muñoz Naranjo, 2015-06-23
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-06-24
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: L.G.Casado, 2015-06-24
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Vicente Gonzalez, 2015-06-25
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-07-19
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Vicente Gonzalez, 2015-07-21
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Juan Álvaro Muñoz Naranjo, 2015-07-22
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-07-26
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Juan Álvaro Muñoz Naranjo, 2015-07-27
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-07-27
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Juan Álvaro Muñoz Naranjo, 2015-07-27
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-07-28
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: L.G.Casado, 2015-07-28
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-08-03
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Vicente Gonzalez, 2015-08-03
Re: CIS of rules (GSoC)
From: Juan Álvaro Muñoz Naranjo, 2015-08-03