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ubuntu-co-concilio team mailing list archive
ubuntu-co-concilio team
Mailing list archive
Messages by thread
Messages by thread
Messages sent to the ubuntu-co-concilio mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 5347 messages, page
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Re: [!] Cuestiones Internas
From: Sergio Meneses, 2011-02-18
alejo8591 approved by alarconj
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-02-18
Conference pack
From: Ingeniero Forigua, 2011-02-16
Re: Conference pack
From: Sergio Meneses, 2011-02-16
Proceso De Capacitacion
Re: Proceso De Capacitacion
From: Ingeniero Forigua, 2011-02-21
Re: Proceso De Capacitacion
Re: Invitacion a la creacion del Concilio Latino
From: Sergio Meneses, 2011-02-14
Fwd: Saludo e invitaciòn
From: Hollman Enciso R., 2011-02-10
Re: Fwd: Saludo e invitaciòn
From: Ingeniero Forigua, 2011-02-10
Re: Fwd: Saludo e invitaciòn
From: amujicaz@xxxxxxxxx, 2011-02-10
Re: Fwd: Saludo e invitaciòn
From: Sergio Meneses, 2011-02-11
urban77 approved by cegope
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-02-04
ing-osmalose declined by cegope
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-02-04
<Possible follow-ups>
ing-osmalose declined by cegope
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-03-13
ing-osmalose wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-02-04
Re: Ubuntu México
From: Sergio Meneses, 2011-02-03
From: sepirothem@xxxxxxxxx, 2011-02-02
Re: Colaboracion
From: Sergio Meneses, 2011-02-03
zethabyte approved by josbergutiara
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-02-02
Se acabaron las vacaciones ;)
From: Julian Alarcon, 2011-01-31
Re: Se acabaron las vacaciones ;)
From: Sergio Meneses, 2011-01-31
alejo8591 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-01-30
<Possible follow-ups>
alejo8591 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2012-02-17
LoCo Census - appeal for replies
From: Ubuntu LoCo Council, 2011-01-28
From: Cesar Gomez, 2011-01-28
vittuss declined by ingforigua
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-01-27
vittuss wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-01-25
yycastrillon approved by josbergutiara
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-01-22
yycastrillon wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-01-22
software libre
From: carlos duban jimenez morales, 2011-01-21
Re: software libre
From: Sergio Meneses, 2011-01-21
Invitación a participar en el Día del Usuario Ubuntu
From: Sergio Meneses, 2011-01-21
Re: [Ubuntu-es-locos] Invitación a participar en el Día del Usuario Ubuntu
From: Erlan Tercero, 2011-01-21
Re: Launchpad team subscription policy change
From: Julian Alarcon, 2011-01-20
miguelrammstein-gmail approved by josbergutiara
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-01-20
carlosframirezb approved by josbergutiara
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-01-20
miguelrammstein-gmail wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-01-19
carlosframirezb wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-01-19
edjogu approved by josbergutiara
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-01-17
edjogu wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-01-14
lguerra80 approved by cegope
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-01-13
lguerra80 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-01-12
<Possible follow-ups>
lguerra80 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2012-01-07
lguerra80 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2013-05-10
lguerra80 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2021-11-18
kikespn expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-01-06
luisfernandocardenasgallego declined by josbergutiara
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-01-03
luisfernandocardenasgallego wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-01-03
jaimerave added by alarconj
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-01-03
Re: Grupo de Ubuntu-Co en Google Groups
From: Julian Alarcon, 2011-01-03
juank7802-gmail added by alarconj
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-01-03
hyances-gmail approved by alarconj
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-01-03
carlosandrescas approved by alarconj
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-01-03
dj-bautista approved by alarconj
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-01-03
hyances-gmail expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-01-02
<Possible follow-ups>
hyances-gmail expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2012-01-02
jaimerave expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-01-02
<Possible follow-ups>
jaimerave expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2012-01-02
jaimerave expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2013-01-03
jaimerave expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2014-01-02
jaimerave expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2015-01-09
juank7802-gmail expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-31
<Possible follow-ups>
juank7802-gmail expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2013-01-02
carlosandrescas wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-30
Fwd: Your membership in ubuntu-co is about to expire
From: hyances@xxxxxxxxx, 2010-12-27
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Your membership in ubuntu-co is about to expire
From: hyances@xxxxxxxxx, 2011-12-27
Re: Your membership in ubuntu-co is about to expire
From: Sergio Meneses, 2012-01-03
Fwd: Your membership in ubuntu-co is about to expire
From: Brayan Bautista, 2014-08-21
Fwd: Your membership in ubuntu-co is about to expire
From: Andrés Astudillo, 2015-02-27
Re: Fwd: Your membership in ubuntu-co is about to expire
From: Oscar Fabian, 2015-03-03
frankarroyo7 declined by josbergutiara
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-21
frankarroyo7 wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-18
hackcol declined by josbergutiara
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-17
jorgeluis-rojas-c declined by josbergutiara
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-17
jorgeluis-rojas-c wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-16
rafael-m-l15 wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-16
From: Alexander, 2010-12-15
moderacino en la list
From: Hollman Enciso R., 2010-12-15
Re: moderacino en la list
From: Sergio Meneses, 2010-12-15
mred approved by josbergutiara
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-14
Re: Camisetas Nuevo Logo
From: Julian Alarcon, 2010-12-13
Re: Camisetas Nuevo Logo
From: Daniel Felipe Caicedo T, 2010-12-13
Re: Camisetas Nuevo Logo
From: Sergio Meneses, 2010-12-13
Re: Camisetas Nuevo Logo
From: Carlos Andres Zambrano Barrera, 2010-12-14
darknetwork-live declined by josbergutiara
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-09
darknetwork-live wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-09
moderación lista
From: Hollman Enciso R., 2010-12-09
Message not available
Re: moderación lista
From: Hollman Enciso R., 2010-12-09
Message not available
Message not available
Re: moderación lista
From: Hollman Enciso R., 2010-12-09
Re: moderación lista
From: Sergio Meneses, 2010-12-09
linaporras approved by cegope1985
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-06
linaporras wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-06
fpuertac declined by josbergutiara
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-05
mred declined by josbergutiara
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-05
mred wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-05
dagf1980 declined by josbergutiara
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-04
juanpacali77 declined by josbergutiara
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-04
juanpacali77 wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-04
dagf1980 wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-03
pedroabp5 declined by josbergutiara
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-02
danvipo approved by cegope1985
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-02
crislato declined by josbergutiara
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-02
josbergutiara made admin by hollman
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-02
cegope1985 made admin by hollman
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-12-02
pedroabp5 wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-29
Votación nuevo logo de Ubuntu Colombia
From: Julian Alarcon, 2010-11-29
crislato wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-29
Usuario de Soporte que no es miembro de Ubuntu Colombia
From: Julian Alarcon, 2010-11-28
Re: Usuario de Soporte que no es miembro de Ubuntu Colombia
From: Julian Alarcon, 2010-11-28
rolodoom approved by alarconj
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-28
franco2308 approved by alarconj
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-28
sp0t-col approved by alarconj
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-28
francis-jamex declined by alarconj
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-28
rocksoul16 approved by alarconj
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-28
carlosjairosanchez declined by alarconj
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-28
geolaya declined by alarconj
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-28
danvipo declined by alarconj
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-28
johny-jxc declined by alarconj
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-28
xcesarfrancox declined by alarconj
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-28
lounchat02 declined by alarconj
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-28
Listo: Votación nuevo logo de Ubuntu Colombia
From: Julian Alarcon, 2010-11-28
Re: Listo: Votación nuevo logo de Ubuntu Colombia
From: Hollman Enciso R., 2010-11-28
Re: Listo: Votación nuevo logo de Ubuntu Colombia
From: Emmanuel Rosales, 2010-11-29
Re: Listo: Votación nuevo logo de Ubuntu Colombia
From: Ingeniero Forigua, 2010-11-29
Re: Listo: Votación nuevo logo de Ubuntu Colombia
From: Julian Alarcon, 2010-11-29
Re: Listo: Votación nuevo logo de Ubuntu Colombia
From: Julian Alarcon, 2010-11-29
Re: Listo: Votación nuevo logo de Ubuntu Colombia
From: Julian Alarcon, 2010-11-29
Re: Listo: Votación nuevo logo de Ubuntu Colombia
From: Julian Alarcon, 2010-11-29
Message not available
Re: Listo: Votación nuevo logo de Ubuntu Colombia
From: Julian Alarcon, 2010-11-29
respeto e inculcadores
From: Hollman Enciso R., 2010-11-26
From: Hollman Enciso R., 2010-11-25
Re: solicitudes
From: Sergio Meneses, 2010-11-25
Re: solicitudes
From: Ingeniero Forigua, 2010-11-25
Re: solicitudes
From: amujicaz@xxxxxxxxx, 2010-11-25
Re: solicitudes
From: Hollman Enciso R., 2010-11-25
Re: solicitudes
From: amujicaz@xxxxxxxxx, 2010-11-25
Re: solicitudes
From: Hollman Enciso R., 2010-11-28
Re: solicitudes
From: Ingeniero Forigua, 2010-11-29
dj-bautista expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-24
<Possible follow-ups>
dj-bautista expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2012-01-02
Primeras tareas realizadas!!!
From: Sergio Meneses, 2010-11-23
acata 22 de Nov de 2010
From: Emmanuel Rosales, 2010-11-23
Re: acata 22 de Nov de 2010
From: ubuntu . jm, 2010-11-23
Re: acata 22 de Nov de 2010
From: Daniel Felipe Caicedo T, 2010-11-23
Re: acata 22 de Nov de 2010
From: Sergio Meneses, 2010-11-23
Fwd: Pa pedirle un favor de publicar en su portal el evento del BarCamp
From: Julian Alarcon, 2010-11-23
Re: Fwd: Pa pedirle un favor de publicar en su portal el evento del BarCamp
From: Hollman Enciso R., 2010-11-23
Re: Fwd: Pa pedirle un favor de publicar en su portal el evento del BarCamp
From: Sergio Meneses, 2010-11-23
xcesarfrancox wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-22
lounchat02 wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-22
davidmp4 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-22
Universidad del Tolima - IDEAD - CREAD Bogotá (Colombia)
From: Lina Elizabeth Porras Santana, 2010-11-19
Re: Universidad del Tolima - IDEAD - CREAD Bogotá (Colombia)
From: Andres Mujica, 2010-11-30
Re: Universidad del Tolima - IDEAD - CREAD Bogotá (Colombia)
From: Lina Elizabeth Porras Santana, 2010-11-30
Re: Universidad del Tolima - IDEAD - CREAD Bogotá (Colombia)
From: Ingeniero Forigua, 2010-12-06
Message not available
Message not available
Message not available
Re: Universidad del Tolima - IDEAD - CREAD Bogotá (Colombia)
From: Ingeniero Forigua, 2011-01-13
From: Andres Mujica, 2010-11-16
rocksoul16 wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-16
carlosjairosanchez wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-15
rolodoom wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-14
Fwd: Solicitud de apertura de un sitio para Ubuntu Colombia
From: Julian Alarcon, 2010-11-14
johny-jxc wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-11
Queja por rechazo de mensaje
From: Ingeniero Forigua, 2010-11-11
Re: Presentacion de los Ingenieros Diego Armando VIllate y Jeisson Cubides
From: Julian Alarcon, 2010-11-11
danvipo wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-10
cegope1985 approved by hollman
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-10
cegope1985 wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-10
Me excuso de la reunión de hoy
From: Julian Alarcon, 2010-11-08
Re: Me excuso de la reunión de hoy
From: Ingeniero Forigua, 2010-11-09
Re: Me excuso de la reunión de hoy
From: Sergio Meneses, 2010-11-09
Re: Me excuso de la reunión de hoy
From: Julian Alarcon, 2010-11-12
geolaya wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-06
sp0t-col wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-06
mano0313 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-05
everton-cristovive declined by sergiomeneses
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-04
everton-cristovive wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-04
pupiquik approved by sergiomeneses
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-04
alexxcom approved by sergiomeneses
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-04
alexxcom wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-03
Firts LoCo Day Event
From: Sergio Meneses, 2010-11-03
delavalleperez expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-01
kalashnikov-gnu expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-01
neneriostb approved by sergiomeneses
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-10-31
micheldeoro declined by sergiomeneses
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-10-31
odanielgp-gmail approved by sergiomeneses
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-10-31
santi-p1419 declined by sergiomeneses
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-10-31
pupiquik declined by sergiomeneses
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-10-31
josbergutiara approved by sergiomeneses
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-10-31
helysm approved by sergiomeneses
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-10-31
jodacame approved by sergiomeneses
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-10-31
<Possible follow-ups>
jodacame approved by sergiomeneses
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-12-20
francis-jamex declined by sergiomeneses
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-10-31
<Possible follow-ups>
francis-jamex declined by sergiomeneses
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-11-04
pupiquik wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-10-31
neneriostb wants to join
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-10-30
franco2308 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-10-30
<Possible follow-ups>
franco2308 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2011-11-28
zethabyte expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2010-10-28
<Possible follow-ups>
zethabyte expired from team
From: Ubuntu Colombia, 2012-01-26
200 of 5347 messages, page
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