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gtg-gsoc mailing list archive
(by thread)
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- [Gtg-gsoc] Getting things GNOME! Web service and API: Weekly Report 12.,
Karlo Jež, 2010/08/15
- [Gtg-gsoc] GTG - multiple backends week #12 (Luca Invernizzi),
Luca Invernizzi, 2010/08/13
- [Gtg-gsoc] Getting things GNOME! Web service and API: Weekly Report 11.,
Karlo Jež, 2010/08/09
- [Gtg-gsoc] GTG - multiple backends week #11 (Luca Invernizzi),
Luca Invernizzi, 2010/08/06
- [Gtg-gsoc] Liblarch — what's going on?,
Paul Natsuo Kishimoto, 2010/08/01
- [Gtg-gsoc] Getting Things GNOME web service and api: Weekly report 10,
Karlo Jež, 2010/07/30
- [Gtg-gsoc] GTG - multiple backends week #10 (Luca Invernizzi),
Luca Invernizzi, 2010/07/30
- [Gtg-gsoc] Getting Things GNOME web service and api: Weekly report 09,
Karlo Jež, 2010/07/24
- [Gtg-gsoc] Gwadek,
Karlo Jež, 2010/07/24
- [Gtg-gsoc] GTG - multiple backends week #9 (Luca Invernizzi),
Luca Invernizzi, 2010/07/23
- [Gtg-gsoc] Getting things GNOME web service and api: weekly report 08,
Karlo Jež, 2010/07/18
- [Gtg-gsoc] GTG - multiple backends week #8 (Luca Invernizzi),
Luca Invernizzi, 2010/07/16
- [Gtg-gsoc] Getting things GNOME! Web service and API: Weekly Report 07.,
Karlo Jež, 2010/07/11
- [Gtg-gsoc] GTG - multiple backends week #7 (Luca Invernizzi),
Luca Invernizzi, 2010/07/09
- [Gtg-gsoc] Getting things GNOME! Web service and API: Weekly Report 06.,
Karlo Jež, 2010/07/04
- [Gtg-gsoc] GTG - multiple backends week #6 (Luca Invernizzi),
Luca Invernizzi, 2010/07/02
- [Gtg-gsoc] Getting things GNOME! Web service and API: Weekly Report 05.,
Karlo Jež, 2010/06/27
- [Gtg-gsoc] GTG - multiple backends week #5 (Luca Invernizzi),
Luca Invernizzi, 2010/06/24
- [Gtg-gsoc] Merging code,
Paul Natsuo Kishimoto, 2010/06/21
- [Gtg-gsoc] Getting things GNOME! Web service and API: Weekly Report 04.,
Karlo Jež, 2010/06/20
- [Gtg-gsoc] GTG - multiple backends week #4 (Luca Invernizzi),
Luca Invernizzi, 2010/06/18
- [Gtg-gsoc] Getting things GNOME! Web service and API: Weekly Report 03.,
Karlo Jež, 2010/06/11
- [Gtg-gsoc] GTG - multiple backends week #3 (Luca Invernizzi),
Luca Invernizzi, 2010/06/10
- [Gtg-gsoc] Getting Things GNOME: Web service and API,
Karlo Jež, 2010/06/04
- [Gtg-gsoc] GTG: multiple backends - weekly report 2 (Luca Invernizzi),
Luca Invernizzi, 2010/06/04
- [Gtg-gsoc] Getting things GNOME! Web service and API: Weekly Report 01.,
Karlo Jež, 2010/05/28
- Re: [Gtg-gsoc] Getting Things GNOME! - multiple backends - GSoC weekly report #0,
Luca Invernizzi, 2010/05/28
- [Gtg-gsoc] dbus server,
Karlo Jež, 2010/05/24
- [Gtg-gsoc] FYI : weekly report rules,
Lionel Dricot, 2010/05/24
- [Gtg-gsoc] Revised proposal, happy week 1,
Paul Natsuo Kishimoto, 2010/05/24
- [Gtg-gsoc] Invernizzi - GSoC code review,
Luca Invernizzi, 2010/05/21
- Re: [Gtg-gsoc] Invernizzi - GSoC code review,
Paul Natsuo Kishimoto, 2010/05/21
- Re: [Gtg-gsoc] Invernizzi - GSoC code review,
Luca Invernizzi, 2010/05/21
- Re: [Gtg-gsoc] Invernizzi - GSoC code review,
Bryce Harrington, 2010/05/21
- Re: [Gtg-gsoc] Invernizzi - GSoC code review,
Luca Invernizzi, 2010/05/22
- Re: [Gtg-gsoc] Invernizzi - GSoC code review,
Lionel Dricot, 2010/05/22
- Re: [Gtg-gsoc] Invernizzi - GSoC code review,
Luca Invernizzi, 2010/05/22
- Re: [Gtg-gsoc] Invernizzi - GSoC code review,
Bryce Harrington, 2010/05/22
- Re: [Gtg-gsoc] Invernizzi - GSoC code review,
Paul Natsuo Kishimoto, 2010/05/22
- Re: [Gtg-gsoc] Invernizzi - GSoC code review,
Bryce Harrington, 2010/05/21
Re: [Gtg-gsoc] Multi-backend status,
Paul Natsuo Kishimoto, 2010/05/18
[Gtg-gsoc] Proposal on wiki,
Paul Natsuo Kishimoto, 2010/05/04
[Gtg-gsoc] Paul's proposal,
Lionel Dricot, 2010/04/28
Re: [Gtg-gsoc] GTG SoC starting !,
Paul Natsuo Kishimoto, 2010/04/27
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